
Jun 12, 2009

Average Processing Time At Hearing Offices

This is from the newsletter of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR).

Compare the average processing time as it has changed over time:
  • January 25, 2007 -- 508 days
  • May 25, 2007 -- 523 days
  • July 28, 2007 -- 528 days
  • August 31, 2007 -- 523 days
  • November 30, 2007 -- 500 days
  • February 29, 2008 -- 511 days
  • May 30, 2008 -- 523 days
  • June 27, 2008 -- 529 days
  • July 31, 2008 -- 530 days
  • September 3, 2008 -- 532 days
  • November 5, 2008 -- 476 days
  • December 3, 2008 -- 480 days
  • March 8, 2009 -- 499 days
  • April 24, 2009 -- 505 days


  1. These processing times are grossly inaccurate.If the measure is from odar receipt to decision then this report conflict's by four month's(four months later than report) with my odar office.

  2. Look at the Chicago region. The best performing city in this large region is number 82, below the halfway point! That means that none of the cities in the Chicago region are even in the top half of the ODAR's. This has been consistent for several months. Of course, the Chicago region is the worst in terms of avarage processing times, 626 days. This is 66 days longer than the next worst reigon, the Atlanta region.

  3. These are not from ODAR receipt, but from request for hearing.

    Really interesting data would be clerks & writers per judge by office.

  4. If this data is from request for hearing until decision,then it makes ssa data more fabricatedly erroneous(based on my experience).

  5. Is it just coincidence that the Kansas City, Seattle, Chicago and Atlanta region DDS's have the 4 lowest allowance rates and the 4 highest processing times for ODAR?
