
Jun 16, 2009

Budget Cuts Ahead?

From the Federal Times:

Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag told agencies in a June 11 memo to submit three 2011 budget plans to OMB by Sept. 14. One plan would be capped at the 2011 figures that were outlined in Obama’s proposed 2010 budget request. A second alternate plan would cap spending at 2010 levels. And a third alternate plan would cap spending at 5 percent less than the 2011 levels outlined in the 2010 budget.

“Regardless of your agency’s discretionary target, your submission should include significant terminations, reductions and administrative savings initiatives (five at a minimum) that reduce costs below fiscal 2010 levels,” Orszag added. ...

In addition, Orszag told agency heads they will be expected to make “significant progress” in speeding up their hiring processes over the next year. He gave no targets for how much faster hiring should be, but he directed agencies to start mapping out their current hiring processes so goals can be set.

1 comment:

  1. What sort of grand thinking comes up with the idea to hire more, then cut overtime so that production stays constant from the new hires basically picking up mostly work that was done on overtime.

    Now they want to cut the budget, which means not replacing attrition so that we fall back to basically the same size and produce less than before because fewer worker/hours are being used.
