
Jun 15, 2009

Case Processing System Sought

The Social Security Administration has posted a request for information from vendors interested in working on a case processing system for disability cases. Here is what the agency wants, a rather ambitious list.

There is no question about it. If a contract is awarded, it will be huge. Money spent on this will be money not spent on additional personnel for the Social Security Administration. Whether a contract for this is a better way to spend money than additional personnel is a question that cannot be answered until after Michael Astrue leaves office. However, in the short run, additional personnel would be more important.


  1. Speaking of "when Astrue leaves office" exactly when will that be? I'd like to know so I can start counting the days. :)

  2. This commissioner has done everything imaginable to avoid solving the primary problem facing the Social Security Administration-lack of staffing. This has gone on for so long, and in the face of so much evidence, that it makes one wonder if he is some kind of Manchurian Candidate. The agency is collapsing, and he just continues on the same relentless course--ignore the real problem, and invent some other "solution" that can never work.
