
Oct 29, 2009

Attacks On AARP

From Talking Points Memo:
Fresh off what can only be called big success going after Acorn, a bunch of folks on the right are figuring, 'Hey, maybe we can do the same thing to AARP because they're not doing our cause any favors either.' There are already a bunch of examples of attacks, not just alleging that AARP is supporting Dems on key health care and social insurance issues, but that it's a corrupt, shady, nefarious organization. These things often start under the radar.
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is the almost completely silent 800 pound gorilla in the room when it comes to Social Security. One problem I have is that I am afraid some of the criticism of AARP may be justified. It may not be nefarious, but it is mostly an insurance company masquerading as a grass roots membership organization.


  1. "Fresh off what can only be called big success going after Acorn, a bunch of folks on the right are figuring, 'Hey, maybe we can do the same thing to AARP because they're not doing our cause any favors either."

    Well lets get out the pimp and ho outfits and hidden camera and see what happens.

    The right didn't do anything to ACORN, they did it to themselves.

  2. ACORN employs hundreds of volunteers from the communities (read "ghettos")it serves. Prostitution is an ongoing industry in many such places, despite the efforts of citizens and police to break it up. So's drug dealing, B and E, receiving stolen goods, etc.

    So, I wasn't surprised that some ACORN person would take the so-called pimp and prostitute at their word regarding their supposed enterprise. I was surprised that anyone take that seriously. After all, the GOP and its various lobbying arms gave us Kenny Lay and Enron. I don't think they have much to be proud of in the ethicality department.

    ACORN's sin is registering undesirables to vote, thus the RW's interest in shutting the place down and defunding it. AARP is a horse of a different color, however. The GOP praises the Free Market and the Health Insurance Companies as champions of capitalism while attacking the AARP being an insurance company with an "in" into a "good deal" under Reform. What's wrong with that? Remember, it's Capitalism, Dummy! (Besides, I have their car insurance--it's great! Dog walking benefits if you total your body while totalling your car! I'm for that!) :D
