
Mar 28, 2010

Colvin Nomination Still Pending

President Obama has just made fifteen recess appointments. Republicans in the Senate had been stonewalling these nominations. The recess appointments are good until the beginning of the next Congress.

The President did not give Carolyn Colvin a recess appointment as Deputy Commissioner of Social Security. Her nomination has been pending in the Senate for more than six months.

Does anyone know what Senate Republicans have against Ms. Colvin?


  1. "Does anyone know what Senate Republicans have against Ms. Colvin?"

    Since he could have made her a recess appointment too, what does Obama now have against Ms. Colvin?

  2. "Does anyone know what Senate Republicans have against Ms. Colvin?"

    It's difficult to say what a largely white party has against ms

  3. "It's difficult to say what a largely white party has against ms colvin."

    Maybe that the deputy commissioner of SSA shouldn't be an affirmative action position,

  4. I think that it is clearly a reflection of the country at large that this valuable blog, which I have been following for some time, has become embroiled in so much vitriole and "mean-speak" if I may coin a phrase. Folks need to back off and just stick to the facts, and contribute what they can to the betterment of Social SEcurity.

  5. I think that it is a reflection of the country at large that this valuable blog, which I have followed for some time, has become embroiled in so much vitriole and "mean-speak" if I may coin a phrase. Folks need to back off and just stick to the facts, and contribute what they can to the betterment of Social Security.
