
Mar 27, 2010

It Figures

From the Washington Post (emphasis added):

The call to arms was issued at 5:55 a.m. last Friday.

"To all modern Sons of Liberty: THIS is your time. Break their windows. Break them NOW."

These were the words of Mike Vanderboegh, a 57-year-old former militiaman from Alabama, who took to his blog urging people who opposed the historic health-care reform legislation -- he calls it "Nancy Pelosi's Intolerable Act" -- to throw bricks through the windows of Democratic offices nationwide.

"So, if you wish to send a message that Pelosi and her party [that they] cannot fail to hear, break their windows," Vanderboegh wrote on the blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars. "Break them NOW. Break them and run to break again. Break them under cover of night. Break them in broad daylight. Break them and await arrest in willful, principled civil disobedience. Break them with rocks. Break them with slingshots. Break them with baseball bats. But BREAK THEM." ...

Vanderboegh was unapologetic in a 45-minute telephone interview with The Washington Post early Thursday. He said he believes throwing bricks through windows sends a warning to Democratic lawmakers that the health-care reform legislation they passed Sunday has caused so much unrest that it could result in a civil war.

"The federal government should not have the ability to command us to buy something that it decides we should buy," Vanderboegh said. The government, he added, has "absolutely no idea the number of alienated who feel that their backs are to the wall are out here . . . who are not only willing to resist this law to the very end of their lives, but are armed and are capable of making such resistance possible and perhaps even initiating a civil war."...

Vanderboegh said he once worked as a warehouse manager but now lives on government disability checks. He said he receives $1,300 a month because of his congestive heart failure, diabetes and hypertension.


  1. ...not to mention his very obvious mental impairment.

  2. what does this guy care he can get health care i cant and in pain 24/7. and cant get the help i need to get back to my life and work. i dont like somethings in this bill but we needed the government to tell the heath care company s that they cant pull the rug out from under the very sick people. aimee

  3. If i read the excerpt correctly,this is the same type of person who makes me angry. He receive government assistance and also opposed to government help. Unbelievable.

  4. Your Tea Party contingent and Republican base, ladies and gentlemen. I am not against conservative ideas per se, but I am dead set against aligning myself with these people.

  5. "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty"
    Thomas Jefferson

  6. "The violence which was mediated against you lately has excited a very general indignation in this part of the country."--Thomas Jefferson. (Letter to J.T Callendar)

  7. I'l never vote for another Democrat.

  8. I'll never vote for another Republican; the GOP is turning itself into the right wing whacko party.

  9. Which is different how? The Dems have been a left wing whacko party for a while now and are getting more extreme.

  10. We need a third party. Dems and Republicans both slaves to special interests that are spending us into a third world country.

  11. The Dems have been a left wing whacko party for a while now and are getting more extreme.

    I think you mean "right wing whacko". The current Democratic party is well to the right - yes, the *right* - of Richard Nixon, and the Republicans have gone off the deep end.

  12. I think that's enough on this thread. I'll delete anything else posted on this thread.

