
Mar 3, 2010

Rangel Leaves As Ways And Means Chairman

Charlie Rangel is temporarily stepping down as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. It is unclear who will succeed Rangel or whether this will lead to any reshuffling of the Subcommittee assignments. This matters since Ways and Means has jurisdiction over Social Security. The Social Security Subcommittee has an important role in Social Security matters. John Tanner, the chair of the Social Security Subcommittee, is retiring at the end of this Congress. I would like to think that this would mean that the Social Security Subcommittee would be untouched by Rangel's decision but we will have to see.

By the way, Representative Tanner voted against health care reform earlier but he is now undecided on how he will vote when it comes up again.


  1. Another crook bites the dust.

  2. That's an insult to crooks....

  3. Real crooks steal from one victim at a time and hurt only their immediate victims. Slime like these Washington types steal from everyone and hurt everyone.
