
Mar 3, 2010

Three Years, Four Months and 11 days

From the Lawrence Journal-World & News:

For three years, four months and 11 days, Debra Shirar waited for the Social Security Administration to say yes to her disability claim.

In that time, she accepted state assistance for a little more than $100 a month, lived with a friend and rummaged through her neighbors’ garbage to find aluminum cans she could sell to buy medicine.

“I have taken 30 days worth of pills and made them last 90 … because I don’t have the money,” Shirar said. ...

Two weeks ago, the Social Security Administration told Shirar something she had known since October 2006: She was disabled.

“It’s over,” 58-year-old Shirar said. “The resolution is nice, but not as sweet as it would be if I didn’t have to go through with it in the first place. I would rather be working.”

1 comment:

  1. So everyone is entitled to a trial work period, etc, but what a HILARIOUS photo caption:

    "After waiting nearly three and a half years for a decision, Debbie Shirar, of Lawrence, was finally declared disabled by the Social Security Administration....She would now like to WORK as an advocate for others." [Emphasis added.]

    Luckily, she's 58 and this will probably help her whittle away the upcoming retirement years. Otherwise, it will make for an interesting continuing disability review.
