
Aug 13, 2010

Astrue On 75th Anniversary

From a piece supposedly written by Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue that must have been sent out to newspapers by Social Security's press office:
Social Security, the most successful domestic program in our nation’s history, is celebrating its 75th anniversary. ...

Today, millions of retirees live in dignity thanks to their monthly Social Security benefit payment. Over the decades, Social Security expanded to not only protect against the risk of poverty in old age, but also the economic risk of career-ending disability and the premature death of a worker. ...

As we celebrate 75 years, I reflect on how Social Security was there for my family, how proud I am to work for this remarkable program, and how lucky I am to lead such a talented and compassionate work force.

I have two wonderful children who entered the work force in the past year. One is being called up for active military duty in October and the other will teach inner-city children. It is imperative that they and millions of other young Americans have confidence that we will continue to honor the great inter-generational contract that is Social Security.

It is in this spirit that President Barack Obama established the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform that in December will make recommendations regarding the future of Social Security. ...

1 comment:

  1. During my 23 years as a District Manager, I have found that most newspapers don't want to publish pieces such as this one. We do send them out, but local papers are usually only interested in "bad news" stories such as people being denied benefits, erroneous death terminations, etc.
