
Aug 13, 2010

Presidential Proclamation

President Obama has issued a proclamation in honor of Social Security's 75th birthday coming up tomorrow. I have not heard of any event involving the President honoring this occasion. I find this disappointing. I know that many Social Security field offices held open houses this week in honor of the anniversary. I am unaware of any event at Social Security's central offices but that does not mean that there was no such event.


  1. we got cake and a magnet...

  2. Last workday before the anniversary is Friday the 13th?!

  3. Central office had a ceremony that included speeches by Commissioner Astrue, a keynote speaker, and a senator. The ceremony was followed by a concert in the courtyard by the SSA Chorus and Band. It was held on Thursday.

  4. So how come this is not "supposedly written by" President Obama but the previous post's content was "supposedly written by" Astrue.

    Once again our Mr. Hall shows his colors.

  5. Oh stop already. Of course he has his viewpoint. Yours is equally obvious. Stop whining.

  6. Yes, my viewpoint is for nonpartisanship. If he can whine, I can whine.

    Look, Mr. Hall does a great job at making the issues with SSA known, I just wish he would lay off the ad hominem attacks. I think he would have more impact if people didn't have to take everything he posts with a grain of salt.

    (At least I'm not incessantly calling for all $100k+ employees to be fired!) :)
