
Jun 25, 2011

Disability Fraud Ring In Seattle

From KING:
Nine members of one Seattle area family who allegedly collected over $700,000 by filing false mental disability claims and using fake identities were indicted on federal fraud charges Friday.
The defendants "claimed mental impairments prohibited them from working, when in fact they were working in various car sales businesses," according to a Department of Justice press release. ...
The defendants allegedly manipulated the Social Security disability program, also known as Supplemental Security Income, by faking disabilities at interviews, misrepresenting their work history and assets and using multiple social security numbers and numerous drivers licenses.


  1. Not the only family who fakes mental illness. New employees can fall for this scam but seasoned employees have seen this story over and over.

  2. I have seen many of these, but unfortunatly CR's can't make decisions, although we are the first ones in line to see this.

  3. But CR's can flag cases as potential OIG-CDI claims and the claimants can be followed and investigated more thoroughly; CR's can do a better job of investigating unstated income and asking for proofs and documents to establish how someone is paying bills and not just rely on allegation. On more than one occasion I have found web sites for used car dealers who claimed to not be in business.

  4. Great--don't have time, don't have staff, in the first place, and when I have made referrals to OIG they are ignored. Pretty much has to be in six figures before they will even look at it. OIG does not investigate--we have to do all of the investigation and wrap it up in a bow before it goes to them. Forget it. Taxpayers lose.

  5. Ah but you get great work units for referring cases to OIG...;)

  6. I wonder if any of those SES clowns in Seattle even know this is going down?
