
Jun 24, 2011

Early Reports On E-File Access At The Appeals Counci -- It's Not Working

I have heard from several attorneys who have tried to access e-file at the Appeals Council. No one seems to be able to access e-files there.


  1. I've had a very different experience. I can access most of my AC files online.

  2. Is working fine for us.

  3. The AC told me that not every branch is allowing online access and that you have to use a specific bar code, not the one that was developed by the hearing office. However, I was not told how one goes about getting the AC bar code.

    Has the AC published anything on the process? Is there any transmittal or memo of it?

  4. I can access about half of my files at the AC.

  5. I've been able to access all of my AC files except for the ones which were obviously not received by the AC yet, and one case which I suspect is not linked to my 1695 (prior rep signed 1696 before I got involved). Other than those 3 or 4, I have had no problems.
    Although the access doesn't seem to do much good, as all I can do is see whether my comments were received, not whether it's being reviewed.

  6. maybe one day we will have the technology for ALJ's to have something like this.
