
Jul 16, 2011

Little Progress On New Union Contract

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the labor union that represents most Social Security employees,  has posted an update on how its contract negotiations are going with Social Security. It is dated June 15 but it was just posted this week. It shows that there has been little or no progress.


  1. SSA manangement likes the status quo where they receive a nice salary and produce very little work. It is time for a more realistic management and employee ratio. In our office the management to employee ratio is four to one. SSA employees have been working without a signed contract for many years. It is time that this union and management to stop playing games and agree on a contract that better serves the public.

  2. The union is really a toothless tiger in that they are unable to negotiate on the real important items such as pay and benefits. The union loves to drag out these negotiations on official time over minutiae, while Federal employees have seen their pay frozen and increased retirement contributions looming. Change is needed in the Union leadership to represent the concerns of the majority of employees and not just the few malcontents.
