
Jul 16, 2011

Shakeup Continues At Social Security


Date:    July 15, 2011   

Refer To:  S7K

To:    Senior Staff

From:    Michael J. Astrue  /s/

Subject:    Executive Personnel Assignments - INFORMATION

I have several announcements to share.

San Francisco Regional Commissioner, Pete Spencer, will retire September 2, 2011.    Pete’s career started as a Management Intern in 1968 and from there he built an extensive resume within the agency that spans programmatic, administrative, and operational organizations.  He served as Senior Advisor and Executive Officer with the Bureau of Supplemental Security Income when it was in its infancy in the early 1970’s through 1979.  In the 1980’s, he served as Director of Labor and Employee Relations and Director of Human Resources.   In the 1990’s, he was Executive Staff Director for the SSI Modernization effort before moving to Operations as Acting Associate Commissioner for Public Service and Operations Support.  He later served as Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs, Assistant Regional Commissioner for Management and Operations Support in San Francisco, and Acting Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance and Management.   Pete also spent a year on assignment as Senior Policy Officer with the National Performance Review.

Pete exemplifies the finest qualities of a public servant, always focused on delivering service to the public with the highest standard of integrity.    

Following Pete’s retirement, Bill Zielinski, currently the Associate Director for Retirement and Benefits with the Office of Personnel Management, will return to be Regional Commissioner. 
Please join me in wishing Pete the very best in retirement and in welcoming Bill back to the agency. 

Chief Information Officer (CIO) Frank Baitman has announced his resignation effective  August 19, 2011.  With Frank’s departure, Kelly Croft, Deputy Commissioner for Systems, will assume the CIO responsibilities. Personnel from the immediate OCIO and the Office of Information Security will move to the Office of Systems. 

Mary Chatel, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Commissioner for Retirement and Disability Policy, will retire July 31, 2011. 

In the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, Jim Julian is Acting Associate Commissioner for Executive Operations and Human Resources (OEOHR).  Kelly Salzmann, is Acting Deputy Associate Commissioner, OEOHR.


  1. Goodbye Mary Chatel (Andy Card's cousin). Thanks a heap for DSI. The second I saw her name attached to it I knew it would be an absolute disaster. There are so, so many like her down in Baltimore making $100,000 plus. What a waste of money. But she always dressed nice.

  2. Pete Spencer is leaving since his award money is being drastically cut. In 2006, Mr. Spencer received over $78,000 in award money and in 2008 he received over $26,000. Current award figures are not available since SSA management does not release that information. The question I have is why is Mr. Spencer and other Regional Commissioner's receiving so much in award money when staffing is a huge problem.

  3. amen, anon 2. management should not get bonuses, period. they are public servants for one thing, and their "performance" just reflects the work of their subordinates, not them.

  4. Amen anon 2 & 3.

  5. I have to disagree with the bonus statement. If people perform exceptionally well, I think it's a good incentive.

    That being said, you should only get bonuses if the entire agency is doing well, not just your little area. Maybe people would actually get their act together in that case.

  6. Spencer approved the "Management Tango" "training conference" in Phoenix in 2009. The bad publicity at a time of an economic downturn was a blotch on an otherwise fine career. I'm not surprised. He's a good guy. I doubt that awards had anything to do with his decision to retire.
