
Jul 20, 2011

Reuters Swings And Misses

Take a look at this Reuters Q and A on Social Security and the debt ceiling. At best, it is confusing. At worst, it is slanted. Why didn't they just read my Q and A on the same subject? As we approach August 3, accurate reporting on the debt ceiling and Social Security becomes more and more crucial.


  1. "Take a look at this Reuters Q and A on Social Security and the debt ceiling. At best, it is confusing. At worst, it is slanted. Why didn't they just read my Q and A on the same subject?"

    Yeah, we would never get anything slanted from you. LOL

  2. Well, Reuters said that the income exceeded the outgo, which is true, including interest.
    Unfortunately, the interest was credited via debt, so it cannot be used "directly" to help pay benefits.
    Instead, it must be cashed in with general revvenues, an immediate budget impact. Taking out the interest, the outgo exceeded the income.
    Don Levit
