
Jul 20, 2011

The Right Wing Has A Dream

Wondering what the right wing has in mind for Social Security now that it is clear that privatization isn't politically feasible? The Heritage Foundation's plan is called "Saving the American Dream." This plan calls for "reforming" Social Security. The end result of these "reforms" is that Social Security would look almost identical to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) except that the retirement age would be 68 instead of 65.


  1. I am not sure exactly whose dream they are saving (but I am pretty sure it's the dream of a religious ideaologue who is white and wealthy).

    However, they do make some good points...

    1) changing social security from income replacement to keeping retirees out of poverty is a good idea. At some point, people need to be accountable for their own retirement savings.

    2) reducing retirement benefits for the wealthy

    Those are both good changes that should have come a long time ago. While I don't agree with the preachy tone and their calculations leave lots of questiosn (i.e. how come there is no increase in revenues after 2020), they have made some good, common sense points (interspersed among the preaching)

  2. Why would anyone want to reform a system that is completely broken? Weird! Must be a conspiracy.

  3. The right wing wants to kill Social Security, as they always have, because it is a very successful government program. According to the intermediate projections, they will be modest shortfall in the future, which can be easily fixed by small, gradual changes in taxes (or raising the cap, etc.).

    Social Security will be easier to kill if it is turned into a welfare program, as the Heritage Foundation wants.

  4. Mike B:
    Do you agree that SS is a totally pay-as-you-gp program?
    The only FICA dollars that are dedictaed to SS benefits are the ones that pay current beneficiaries.
    That means the trust fund only exists from an accounting standpoint.
    Would you leave the trist fund as is?
    Don Levit

  5. "successful government program"? Really? It's broke or on a fast track to being broken so yeah, if that's your definition.
