
Jul 20, 2011

Turnstiles At Social Security?

Social Security has posted a notice that it is interested in acquiring turnstile replacement parts.
I can't figure this out. The only turnstiles that I can remember seeing have been at sports arenas and subway systems. Why would Social Security have a turnstile?


  1. Some secured entrances have turnstiles.

  2. lots of federal buildings have turnstiles

  3. These are not turnstiles in the traditional sense. Rather, as many SSA buildings are upgraded to Level IV facilities which require greater security, we have installed portals. These portals will only open when authorized employees with passcodes enter through them. Over time, the parts will need replacing as the portals will get lots of usage in Woodlawn based on the sheer volume of employees and visitors. Many Federal buildings have such portals now such as the Javits Building in NYC.

  4. 8 sets of 3 small parts to replace broken ones at the SSA headquarters in Woodlawn, MD... (yawn)
