
Oct 25, 2012

Watch Out Binder And Binder!

     From a press release:
Eric C Conn has opened a new office to handle Social Security disability claims in Beverly Hills, California.
 The opening of this new office will allow the Eric C. Conn Law Firm to represent Social Security disability clients nationwide. Now, with the Kentucky office and the California office, the Eric C. Conn Law Firm can go anywhere in the United States to represent Social Security disability claimants.
     You may remember Conn from the allegations made against him in the Wall Street Journal and in a bizarre "op ed" piece seen online recently or from Conn's bizarre advertising.
     You might wonder how Conn can claim that he can represent anyone in the country from offices in Kentucky and California. I don't know what Conn's plans are but I am aware of only two options: send someone out from one of your offices to represent the claimant at the hearing or find some local attorney who is hungry for work to show up at the hearing and pay him or her a modest fee. With only two offices, the latter would seem like the most likely choice for Conn. In either case, the attorney or representative meets the claimant for the first time on the day of the hearing.


  1. I am an attorney with Eric's office and I mostly cover hearings local to our office. I do not meet my clients the day of the hearing. I offer every client a pre-hearing consultation in which he or she comes to the office to discuss the case. If I travel to represent a client in another state, I meet with him or her the day before the hearing. This may not represent the business model with which you are comfortable, but it certainly allows me to represent the client competently and ethically. Allow me to also stress that I am intimately familiar with each client's case file before the meetings and hearings.

  2. I am astonished how Mr Conn is able to maintain his license to practice law. He entered into an agreement to no longer practice in veterans cases when some allegations of questionable behavior came up. Then there is the social security fiasco in west Virginia that has put the entire disability system in a bad light. Dude must be made of Teflon.
