
Aug 9, 2013

When Might Social Security Have A New Commissioner?

     The Baltimore Sun has noticed that six months after Michael Astrue completed his term as Commissioner of Social Security the President has yet to make a nomination for a new Commissioner:
Advocates have praised acting Commissioner Carolyn W. Colvin, a former Maryland state official, for managing this year's budget cuts and being more communicative than Astrue. But they say anyone leading an agency the size of the Social Security Administration without Senate confirmation has limited power to advocate for resources and make controversial decisions.
"They should try to get a name up here as quickly as possible," Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland said. "Clearly, Social Security has professional leadership. But it does not help the agency to go that period without a confirmed leader."
     No word yet on who might be nominated or when the nomination might come.


  1. Has Obama done anything timely? Is anyone really surprised?

  2. He's going on vacation--again--so don't hold your breath.

  3. Who, in thier right mind, would take the job? Behind the scenes there may have been offers, but refused the position. Anyone that tries to make changes will be battered by the press and congress. Congress will tie your hands and complain that you are not doing anything.

    Only a fool would take the position in this enviornment. Just look at the prior statements on this post.

  4. Why should Obama force a confirmation fight right now when he already has the candidate he wants in place and she can do whatever needs to be done.

    1. Ah, the ever so sweet loopholes!

  5. To Anonymous at 9:32

    I'm sure it bothered you just as much when Reagan and Bush went on vacations to their ranch.

    The reality is that no President is ever on vacation, wherever they might physically be.

  6. I don't believe Reagan and Bush combinded in their 16 years cost the taxpayer as much for vacations as our lovely 'bama's have in 4 1/2 years..

  7. No president spent more time and taxpayer money on vacation more than GW Bush while he drove the country into the ground. Fact not opinion.

    Please see here:

  8. How did the discussion devolve from selecting a permanent commissioner to the issue of presidential vacations? No matter who the President nominates, I think we can expect a lengthy battle. Just pray Ms. Colvin is not the agency's next commissioner. Playing to the advocates, the union, congress, and everyone else lobbying the agency leaves us all in the trenches feeling a little weary.
