
Oct 10, 2013

Federal Courts To Shutdown After Next Friday Due To Funding Problems

     The Associated Press is reporting that the federal courts will stop all "non-essential work" after October 17 if there is no resolution by then of the government shutdown. Many thousands of Social Security appeals are heard by the federal courts each year. This threatens to put a halt to these reviews.


  1. I noticed something odd yesterday. When I filed a plaintiffs reply brief, the ECF cover sheet it generated gave the list of people being copied. I saw the usual people at our firm, the usual people at DOJ, but also two people with email addresses. What gives?

  2. Our office handles strictly federal appeals for SSA claimants, all cases have already been stayed "until such time as an appropriations bill or a continuing resolution is enacted restoring funding to the Department of Justice."

  3. This is a disgrace. Obummer had better start negotiating with the House leadership.

  4. As 3:16 already said, these cases have already ground to a halt with the stay filings. However, one could choose to fight the stays. An attorney in Nevada on a civil SEC case did so successfully this week.

  5. Obama must accept he is not a dictator. He must negotiate with the Reps, as required by the constitution.

  6. The democrats do not own the USA. The democrat party of "NO" must negotiate and understand we do not live in a dictatorship. The republicans repeatedly softened their position, but Obama and Reid consider the government to be in service of the will of the president, not the will of the people. When will the media respond to the outrageous behavior of Obama, closing memorials, turn outs on roads to national sites, cutting off death benefits previously paid for active military killed in battle, and now the courts?

  7. Hey Anonymous at 4:14 and 6:55 and 9:42 -- it's you and the Tea Party idiots in the House who are responsible. Boehner is nothing but a cowardly lap dog of the right wingers in the House.

  8. @anon 9:42

    umm do you know anything about how the political process works? Obamacare legally passed the legislative branch three years ago. Its constitutionality was upheld at the Supreme Court, with a republican chief justice siding with the law. Furthermore, romney ran on repealing obamacare and lost badly. So exactly what is to negotiate? Obamacare is the LAW. If republicans don't want it win more seats in Congress and change the law. That's how it works. There is nothing to negotiate. Republicans are sore losers.

  9. What a bunch of sheep on here, from BOTH sides! Stop blindly agreeing with any of these idiots in DC. There's enough blame for all involved. Common sense, logic and good faith are long missing from our political system. There are good and bad to both sides but most people appear to be too ignorant to make their own decisions and just spew party lines and vote straight tickets. We have dug our own graves.

  10. I'm sorry, 8:26, but there is no "both sides of the story" here. The govt shutdown and debt ceiling fight is solely the fault of approx 30 tea party Republican members of the House. Democrats are far from perfect, but this particular "crisis" is solely the fault of a minority of the minority party.

  11. Wow why dont you all wake up And see what really going On before its too late. We are gonna be scewed if people dont stop watching And believeing every thing they see On tv. Think for your self, f@$& them crooks in Washington

  12. oh boy, another "smartest guy in the room" libertarian/independent/above the fray guy (your use of the word "sheep" is a dead giveaway, pal).

    1. Not Libertarian or Independent. Registered Republican if it's really important for you to know. However, I vote for who I believe to be the best candidate, party lines be damned!

  13. 11:24, DC doesn't get any say in Congress. If there are "crooks in Washington" you and your kind put them there. Own it.
