
Oct 11, 2013

Arizona DDS Closes Due To Lack Of Federal Money

     I don't know how this happened so quietly but the Arizona Disability Determination Service (DDS) was closed on Monday due to the federal government shutdown. We had already heard that the Maine DDS had closed for the same reason. I wonder if there are others we haven't heard about.


  1. Just those two, but we heard that DDS here in NC is already beginning its shutdown, and will be completely offline after it has to make payroll again

  2. Anonymous, where did you hear this?

    And do you mean it would shut down after the 10/31 payday?

  3. Tennessee has begun the process of furloughing positions effective Monday with more possible as things progress.

  4. Um...this link to is for Arizona's DES, Dept of Economic security, not DDS...

  5. Tennessee dds is furloughing starting Monday. Remaining workers to be evaluated as the situation lags on.

  6. 9:43 here

    from mgmt at my ODAR office, apparently they heard it from DDS. They are already winding down, and most may be off the job even before 10/31.

  7. The Washington state DDS has stopped taking CE requests from the ODARs.

  8. @Anonymous 3:22,

    If you read the link, it states the Disability Determination Services Administration is included.

    Beginning Monday, October 7, 2013

    Refugee Medical Assistance Program
    The Coordinated Hunger Program
    The Disability Determination Services Administration
    The Jobs program
