
Oct 11, 2013

NOSSCR Responds To Sixty Minutes

     Rebecca Vallas, the Deputy Director of Government Affairs at the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR), spoke on Counterspin, a project of  Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), today to speak about the recent Sixty Minutes story. Vallas details how misleading the Sixty Minutes piece was and argues against legislating by anecdote. Vallas' part of the program begins at the 9:45 mark.


  1. Most SS disability claimants and their attorneys should be jailed for fraud. Perhaps they can share their cells with their claimants' deceitful "treating physicians."

  2. In other news, ALJ Larry Butler just responded to DC Sklar (and every other SSA employee, it seems), and it was awesome.

  3. To 4:58: Do you have a link to ALJ Butler's response, or some substance, or are you going to be cryptic?
