
Oct 9, 2013

More On Eric Conn

     The Lexington, KY Herald-Leader reports that Kentucky Bar Association is investigating attorney Eric Conn, who was one of the subjects of a Senate hearing into allegations of wrongdoing at a Social Security hearing office. The local U.S. attorney is not commenting upon whether criminal charges will be brought against Conn. The Herald-Leader also reports that a Kentucky Supreme Court justice drove to Conn's office on several occasions to ask for help with his campaign for election in 2012 and then received it in the form of illegal campaign contributions.


  1. And yet Mr. Conn is still holding a law license and allowed to represent claimants in front of SSA. Unbelievable. What more is needed in order for him to lose those privileges?

  2. Conn and all other dishonest SS disability attorneys should be precluded from appearing at hearings. Most SS disability attorneys hire phony doctors and bride treating physicians to get favorable reports and assessments.

    Sometimes, it's almost funny. A phony retired cop/claimant who's claims to be a total mental wreck unable to do even simple unskilled work walks into the hearing office, checks his gun with the guard, and retrieves the weapon upon leaving the office. No one has a problem with this because they know the evidence is phony.

  3. really? Really? REALLY? A claimant was allowed to check in a gun on fderal property by a security guard. right! Right! RIGHT!!!!!

  4. You realize that even if Conn loses his law license, SSA will likely still allow him to practice as a non-attorney representative. The only reason this might not be permitted for Conn is the publicity on his illegal conduct.

  5. Why is he treated so differently than the non-attorney rep in Puerto Rico? They put that rep in custody and asked questions later...

  6. Have you read Coburn's report on the WVa fiasco? Nutjob anti-claimant stuff aside, the narrative about how ODAR employees and other ALJs tried to alert folks to Daugherty and the HOCALJ's shenanigans and then were retaliated against sure sent a clear message to me:

    No matter what Sklar tells us via video trainings and mass emails, no matter what management says formally--you would be insane to ever be a whistleblower.

    Those folks got massive brushback in a situation where there was huge, clear wrongdoing. Imagine how quickly (and forever unnoticed, since only the biggest, most sensational wrongdoing will be written up in the WSJ and thus force SSA to actually act) one's career would be torpedoed for reporting less egregious wrongdoing.

  7. Thank you for REALITY 9:55! I know as a claimant's rep I was severely ostracized by SSA for attempting to report wrongdoing in the system. It is highly discouraged.

  8. An interesting link to a statement released by Mr. Conn:
