
Nov 21, 2016

An Addition To Trump's Social Security Transition Team

     From the Washington Examiner:
An announcement from President-elect Trump's transition team hints that the incoming administration may be more open to changes in Social Security than the Republican suggested on the campaign trail, if personnel is any guide.
The transition team announced Monday that former Dallas mayor and former Texas Senate candidate Tom Leppert would be part of the "landing team" tasked with preparing the Trump administration to take over control of the Social Security Administration.
Leppert has endorsed raising the retirement age and partially privatizing Social Security, the kinds of changes that Trump has said would reduce the old-age program to shreds.
    The Washington Examiner is a very right wing publication which burns with true fire for the dream of weakening Social Security before killing it. I don't think there's even the smallest chance that Trump would actually attempt such a thing much less that they would succeed. I don't think that Democrats will be that lucky. However, I think we have to put Leppert's name down as a contender for the position of Commissioner of Social Security. I can't imagine why he would have even wanted to be on the Social Security transition team if he wasn't interested in the job of Commissioner.


  1. Never underestimate the damage that can be done by the uniformed in an attempt to do something they think is helping.

  2. I suggest that Trump did not make this selection. His handlers did. He knows even less than Bush 2 did and the Pubs think they can make him their puppet. They can't, of course. But they can make him far more responsive than a puppet by continual flattery.

  3. Trump and the Republican party has continually convinced people to vote against their best interests. Somehow, they will convince the masses that cutting Social Security benefits and Medicare will be a win for them. Just look at the tax reform package that Trump is pushing. The wealthy gain the most and, if you are a single mom like myself, your taxes will increase!

  4. Trump doesn't know or care enough to make picks for SSA. This is coming from the Koch/Paul Ryan people who will be the ones making most of the day to day decisions for minor agencies Trump doesn't know anything about.

    And the Koch plan has always been privatization. Luckily this time it sounds like theyre going to start with Medicare, but if that works, guess what will be next...

  5. They need to look at how bad the voucher system to use any provider has worked for the VA. Not exactly a sterling display of smooth and easy.

  6. We are really doomed now. You laugh, but I say where the heck is Astrue when you need him.

  7. 11:15 AM, I have to agree. I have longed for the Astrue days many times over the last 3 years...

  8. If we are lucky, Mike will pick up that phone and offer his services. Not as far fetched as one would think.

  9. Astrue is too busy writing poetry.

  10. How in the world is the SSA a "minor agency"? They're larger financially than most other agencies besides HHS and DoD, they have 65,000 employees, and are very influential politically.
