
Feb 20, 2017

A Dire Warning

     From a writeup about a recent press conference about the future of Social Security:
Witold Skwierczynski, of the American Federation of Government Employees, came to the press conference with a dire warning:  Expect customer SSA service to retirees to get worst in the coming years.  Staffing in field offices has been cut by 2,900 (10 percent) since 2010 while work increased 12 percent, he noted, expecting the agency’s workload to go up 32 percent through 2025 due to the retiring baby boomer generation.  
 Skwierczynski expects Trump’s recent Continuing Resolution to freeze the hiring of federal employees to further increase waiting times at SSA field offices and for 800 number callers.
“President Trump is a hotel man.  If he ran his hotels like SSA he would have another bankruptcy.  None of his customers would tolerate a 3 to 4 hour wait for room service.  However, SSA customers wait hours, days, weeks, months and years for SSA to process their business.  That's not acceptable,” says Skwierczynski.


  1. Witold got the cajunas.

  2. Been dealing with this for years Trump in office 30 days.

  3. Interesting discussion on the O'donnel show on the democratic news channel MSnBC this evening. Sorry if too off topic. Talking heads including Laurence Tribe are discussing how Pence could possibly trigger the mechanism to have Trump found unfit. I'm wondering who would truly be more deadly to this program--a little nutty Donald Trump who craves the affection of his populist base that is made up of many users and needers of SSA retirement and disability, Pence and Ryan who really were not elected by the a large constituency of the country and are totally in the pocket of the Koch brothers. When we wish for Trump to go down we might need to fear the alternative even more. If Trump devastates the program I think he would feel the rage of his admirers. am I wrong and way off base?

  4. sorry, meant to say, or Pence and Ryan above.

  5. Perhaps if Witold took his union reps off personal time while getting paid they could help with the crowds...they call it union time but online shopping is not a union issue

  6. The Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office is planning to retry the case again.

  7. Witold is a hack

  8. Well maybe they will finally leave me alone with all this Means Testing Harassment. My illness is for life, which means I need benefits for life. The VA gets it. I have no means testing with them, yet I am bombarded with means testing letters from SSA. STUPID!

  9. It is an agency overwhelmingly having with a lot of irrelevant components, departments, and tax-wasting job positions, especially at HQ and Regional Offices. For example: The OCREO Offices will not assist but instead intimidate Asian-American employees who filed complaints while contradictory touting the overused HR term "Diversity". Currently, the environment is very hostile for less vocal ethnic groups of such and the union is looking the other way. Very Sad!!
