
Feb 21, 2017

Hiring Freeze Update

From: ^Commissioner Broadcast
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 10:14 AM
Subject: Update on the Presidential Executive Order Freezing Federal Hiring
Importance: High

A Message To All SSA Employees

Subject: Update on the Presidential Executive Order Freezing Federal Hiring

On January 25, I informed you of the President’s memorandum freezing Federal hiring. During this time, we will use certain, limited flexibilities provided to us by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that include career ladder promotions or reassignments and details to fill positions that ensure the continuation of essential services and benefit payments.  We will also continue to ensure that our public safety and national security responsibilities are met. 

Keep in mind, this pause is temporary while OPM develops broader plans for the Federal workforce over the next few months.  I will continue to do my part to keep you informed and I sincerely appreciate your dedication to our work and the public we serve.   

Nancy A. Berryhill
Acting Commissioner


  1. We believe that we will obtain a guilty verdict in the next trial," said Ramon Korniloff, the spokesperson for the attorney's office.

  2. Note that there is not a freeze on executives. SSA is recruiting for the SES program. a real morale booster.

    1. More deck hands to rearrange the chairs on the titanic!

    2. More deck hands to rearrange the chairs on the titanic!

  3. Worst job I ever had, never felt better leaving a job than I did the day I walked out of the FO for the last time. 90 days later no HBP meds, no Wellbutrin and no Zoloft. Funny how that works isn't it.

  4. It is an agency overwhelmingly having with a lot of irrelevant components, departments, and tax-wasting job positions, especially at HQ and Regional Offices. For example: The OCREO Offices will not assist but instead intimidate Asian-American employees who filed complaints while contradictory touting the overused HR term "Diversity". Currently, the environment is very hostile for less vocal ethnic groups of such and the union is looking the other way. Very Sad!!
