
Mar 10, 2017

ALJ Charged With Misdemeanor Sexual Assault

     From the Detroit Free Press:
A federal administrative law judge is facing sexual assault charges in Livonia after prosecutors say he groped a woman at an office in the city.
The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office announced this afternoon that Judge Henry Perez, 74 of Novi will be arraigned Friday morning on three counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct, all misdemeanors. The prosecutor's office said the complainant, a 33-year-old Pontiac woman, was working the evening Dec. 28, 2016 in the Social Security office at 19575 Victor Parkway in Livonia when Perez called her into his office.
Once inside, the prosecutor's office said it is alleged Perez made sexual contact with her by touching her body against her will.
Perez is a federal administrative law judge for the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review. He is currently on leave from the position, according to the prosecutor's office. ...


  1. cabinet material.

  2. 9:21 LOL. Or he can run for president.

  3. A drunken ALJ did the same thing to me after hours several years ago, i e., early 1990's, when sexual harassment was only starting to become a hit button issue. I was too scared to file a claim then because I rightfully believed, have no doubt, doing so would have destroyed career. Knowing what I know now, I so regret that decision.

  4. There was a similar incident with another ALJ in Scranton several years ago. Last I heard his appeal with the MSPB was still pending and he was in pay status. Anyone have an update on what is happening in that case?

  5. @ 1:22 Sssshhhh! Don't let Trump know or he might nominate him for Commissioner.

  6. 9:21 and 7:53 you got it! Our next commissioner!!!

  7. SSA is a federal agency that is overwhelmingly having a lot of irrelevant components, departments, and tax-wasting job positions, especially at its Headquarters in Baltimore and Regional Offices, like the one here in Philadelphia.

    For example: The OCREO Offices, in-house EEOC version, would not assist but instead it has resorted to intimidation of Asian-American employees who filed complaints against the managers in and around the Philadelphia Regional led by the life-time bureaucrats. Many of whom have let it be known to be an ardent anti Asian-Americans. A bunch of hypocrites when it comes to racial inequality!!

    Meanwhile, HR Department in downtown would contradictory touting the overused HR term "Diversity" by SSA field offices throughout the region.

    Currently, the workplace environment at these local field offices is extremely hostile for less vocal minority ethnic groups of such and ironically, the AFGE Local Union led by more hypocrist hacks, most if not all of whom are looking the other way on many occasions when it comes to its Asian-American rank and file. Very Sad!! It make the questionable terminology of "draining the swamp" becomes more logical and soon to be acceptable by some who otherwise might not !!
