
Mar 11, 2017

SSAB To Hold Forum On Rep Payees

     From the Social Security Advisory Board:
The Social Security Advisory Board will host a public forum to discuss the Social Security Administration’s representative payee program. The day’s discussion will cover the process of determining benefit management capacity, best practices, collaborative efforts and new approaches from the front lines, necessary oversight, program evaluation and preparing for the future. The forum will be held on Monday, March 27, 2017 at the McGowan Theater in the National Archives Building. Please click here to register.


  1. Too bad they don't have these PUBLIC meetings at local offices.

  2. RE: 1:41's comment. The SSAB doesn't work from SSA field offices, nor are they SSA employees, so your comment doesn't really make sense. (Not to mention that SSA offices rarely have actual meeting space.) That said, if you have opinions you want to share about the vexing challenges that SSA faces in trying to ensure that the most vulnerable beneficiaries/recipients have competent, capable payees to help manage the SSA/SSI payments, there are definitely avenues you can use to share your thoughts. The blog here is one place, assuming that you are interested in sharing broad ideas not related to a specific situation. I have no doubt that this blog is routinely monitored by some of the agency's highest officials....

    1. Ok then, SSA's rep payee system as currently constructed and maintained is an absolute joke!
