
Dec 1, 2017

Hearing Backlog Soaring

     The Orange County Register article on Social Security's hearing backlog included a number of very interesting charts. Here's one.
Cases awaiting a Social Security disability hearing


  1. Get ready for the Sam Brownbecking of America with this tax cut. In exchange for the modest decrease to actual increase on non wealthy Americans we are going to see the ugliest austerity in this country since the Great depression. Our clients will die in much greater numbers and the lucky ones will get to hit the streets with the massively growing homeless population in this country. When they get through with us the big donors pols will come for old age benefits and medicare next. Everything that doesn't benefit billionaires, corporations or the war machine will be sliced to the bone by Mulvaney an the boys. These are the real death panels. Yesterday, on NPR Senator Tom Grassley said people that merely "exist" month to month don't deserve tax breaks but only wealthy people who have contributed to our country do. If they are openly saying crap like that don't expect any mercy for the disabled. We are no longer a decent country. Certainly not living up to our Judeo-Christian pretenses. Would Christ let a disabled homless person die alone on the street? What about homeless young families with young children? If you are reading this and you aren't wealthy don't deceive yourself that they are not going to marginalize you eventually also. By the time they get done with austerity we will all be bankrupted by the medical establishment in this country before we die. There is now a line of respected research in the UK by showing that austerity killed off the old vulnerable there. Austerity kills! Get ready for the brave new Ayn Rand world they will bring us.

  2. I am ready!!! Bring it on!!

  3. The backlog is soaring
    The congress is whoring
    The electorate is snoring
    Soon tears will start pouring

    For the rich only gain
    For the poor only pain
    The same mistakes again
    When greed reigns

  4. That chart is out of date and in fact the current number is now less than 1.05 million, down every month so far this year.
