
Dec 2, 2017


     Sam Johnson, the Chairman of the House Social Security Subcommittee, is now trying to blame the hearing backlog on President Trump's failure to nominate a new Commissioner for Social Security.
     A confirmed Commissioner would be nice but it's absurd to think that any Commissioner could possibly do anything of consequence about the backlog without more money to spend to hire the personnel needed to get the work done. That one is on you and your Republican colleagues in Congress, Mr. Johnson.


  1. Since the next six year term of the SSA COSS and Deputy doesn't start until 2019 - who would want to go through a confirmation hearing for a short term until then?

  2. Pick me. You COULD DO MUCH WORSE! And SSA thinks I can work. Most importantly, I have NEVER sexually harassed, groped, etc. ANYONE in my life... Plus, I have ideas that could reduce the backlog without increasing the operating budget.

  3. Let's give Sam's office number to all of our clients who call to ask why it's taking so long to get a hearing along with a copy of this article ;)

  4. —Johnson said in the statement. “Social Security’s hearing backlog is simply unacceptable, and it’s going to take real leadership to turn things around.”

    Hmmm..., leadership. Like maybe from the Chairman of the Social Security committee? In all the years he has served as Chairman, and all the hearingings he has scheduled, Johnson has placed no emphasis whatsoever on the hearing backlog. It has all been about “fraud and abuse”, which have repeatedly been shown to be minimal.

    Maybe now that he is retiring, he wants to say sympathetic things about disability claimants to make his encounters with (former) constituents at the mall a little easier.

    Johnson is a disgrace.

  5. Haven't even hung Trump and Pence's mug shots in my local ODAR yet. I guess they are afraid their white disabled constituents who voted for them will make them account if they expose their faces. Purgatory between administrations. Blame the African born Muslim president for this. He is still obviously the prez of social security still,
