
Aug 31, 2018

Just In Time For The Labor Day Weekend

     From the Baltimore Sun:
Unions representing thousands of Social Security Administration employees said Thursday that the agency is lifting rules that restricted the unions’ ability to advocate for members in the workplace. The rules had been issued by President Donald Trump in three executive orders May 25. 

A federal judge ruled Saturday that Trump overstepped his authority in significant portions of the orders, which restricted members’ access to government office space for union business and limited the time for union activities such as discussion about grievances.
The American Federation of Government Employees and other unions had been waiting since Saturday for the Baltimore-based Social Security Administration to confirm it would comply, as the Justice Department in Washington weighed a possible appeal.
Confirmation came Thursday.
“As of August 30, the agency is returning to the terms we had with our unions prior to the implementation of the executive orders,” the administration said in a statement in response to Baltimore Sun questions. “Social Security enacted these steps consistent with the recent District Court ruling and accompanying guidance issued by the Office of Personnel Management.” ...


  1. Oh good now the unions can continue giving management what they want and get paid for it. This is a joke

  2. Lol. The union should have taken the deal offered prior to the election. They believed that a better bargain was with Hillary. Poor saps. SSA did them a favor by going all in on a bad directive. The only fault here is shamefully inept union leadership. All bark, no bite. Bigly gestures and weak negotiating skills.

  3. "rules that restricted the unions’ ability to advocate for members in the workplace"

    HAHAHA. The rules did no such thing. Unions can advocate all they want. The rules just tried to make them do it with their own money and time.
