
Aug 30, 2018

Social Security In No Hurry To Comply With Court Ruling On Unions

     From Joe Davidson writing for the Washington Post:

Federal labor organizations won a major battle against President Trump with a U.S. District Court ruling overturning major sections of executive orders that substantially undermined government unions.
But the lingering effects could continue to haunt the already mangled management-labor relationship in an administration that has taken one step after another to alienate federal employees.
First, will the administration obey the court order? ...
The response of the Social Security Administration is instructive. It demonstrates no hurry to follow the court’s decision....
Emails provided by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) from Social Security labor relations officials in Chicago and Dallas to local union leaders indicate the agency still considers Trump’s orders binding.
“The agency is currently evaluating the judge’s ruling on the executive orders,” said a labor and employee relations supervisor in Chicago. “We will not make any changes until that evaluation is complete.”
An email sent Monday from a Social Security official in Dallas said “we just received notice from headquarters, that the Agency’s position remains the same on the guidance that was effective on July 9, until further notice.”  ...
     Update: The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has now instructed federal agencies to comply with the District Court decision.


  1. SSA HQ management advised local managers to comply with the District Court order going forward. No word on any retroactivity.

  2. Lol. Local management doesn’t follow HQ management. They make their own rules until someone is brave enough to file a grievance and then it’s let the retaliation begin
