
Jan 8, 2019

Going After The Undocumented In Another Way

     From the Pacific Standard:
The Social Security Administration is planning to pore through wage and tax statements and notify employers when employee names and Social Security numbers are not identified in their records in what appears to be the Trump administration's latest push to target undocumented Americans in the workplace.  
The SSA announced in a recent post on its website that, in the spring of 2019, it would begin to send Employer Correction Request Notices to employers of people whose names and Social Security numbers do not match those in its system. ... 

Previous administrations have sent out such letters before, but were "temporarily halted during litigation and congressional inquiry because it was wrongfully used as a method of immigration enforcement that was found to hurt workers and employers alike, regardless of immigration status," says Sasha Feldstein, policy analyst at the California Immigrant Policy Center. 

"The resurgence of this policy after it was found to be wrongfully used and ineffective is just another example of the administration's attempt to exploit workers." ...


  1. They should jail a few of these employers, take all of their wealth. If they didn't hire we would not see as many illegal border crossings.

  2. if they are "undocumented" then they aren't Americans

  3. Social Security does have a legitimate program reason to do this, which is to ensure the accuracy of the earnings records and benefit payments derived from those records. Also, for possible fraud issues. If Congress has as issue with this information being used for immigration enforcement then Congress could consider prohibiting SSA from sharing this information with DHS. Unless this prohibition already exits.

  4. @1:54

    American, defined as: "of or relating to the United States of America or its inhabitants."

    Legal status is not required to be an "American."

  5. Nope 4:16. American citizens. Documentation REQUIRED.

  6. I do not believe SSA has any intention of finding illegal immigrants for INS. If that was the case they could start with the illegal immigrants who file for SSI for their American born children. I think that there is a big issue of earnings being posted in the accounts of people who did not earn them. I have seen many cases with earning posted where the claimant's deny ever working. In at least one case I know the claimant was truthful because he was hospitalized for the whole year year in which the eearnings were reported. Look at the report from the IG under Charles' gipping

    claimants post where they said that SSA did not note the situation where some guy was awarded SSI but SSA did not note he was insured. I don' tobviously know the situation in that particular case but I have seen similar cases in which the claimant denied working, was awarded SSI and then is found to be insured because of work in the year filed.. If he had actually worked may not have been awarded SSI...depending on what the work was

  7. @9:23

    The article does not refer to American citizens, just Americans. Obviously to be an American citizen documentation is appropriate. As to "required," that is an interesting question. Is a child born to American citizen parents an
    American citizen prior to receipt of a birth certificate? That's a pretty common situation, either with a home birth or with a birth overseas. Even in a hospital, I believe the birth certificate is issued subsequent to birth meaning there is a period of time where the child may be an American citizen without any form of documentation.
