
Jan 7, 2019

It’s Not Just Tennessee

     The Tennessean has a long report on the use of contract physicians to review — and mostly deny — Social Security disability claims. They’re paid per case and make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year often spending only a few minutes on each case. At least two of the Tennessee contract physicians have a history of felony convictions. Another has had his medical license revoked twice in the last 20 years. Another physician who complained about contract physician usage was retaliated against.
     In related news the Tennessean reports on the terrible backlogs that Social Security Disability claimants face when they appeal one of the decisions based upon such a flawed process.


  1. Screw Stupid Applicants, as many and as fast as you can. Is ANYONE who has been denied by this corrupt system really suprised? So, you look at what the claimant claims, and you make the RFC just good enough so they can't grid out and then leave it up to the ALJ... who uses the RFC to deny!

  2. Part of the training manual for these DDS physicians:

    "Know and understand the GRIDs. If the claimant is 50-55, assign at least a light RFC. If the claimant is 55+, assign a medium RFC."

    1. So , you're saying they are just following the manual? How about trying to ascertain the "actual" RFC and let the chips fall where they may? It always felt rigged to me. No matter how much evidence, SSA refused to budge from their initial RFC... Can you provide a copy of the manual?

  3. Tim, I think 9:46 was being facetious. At least I hope so!

  4. It is a secret plot, deep underground, deep state, to deny benefits, secret manuals, secret emails, messages that look like graffiti on the mailboxes outside the office hold the codes to what condition will be denied. There are handshakes, decoder rings and more that we dont know. Those reptiles have infiltrated at the highest levels and have shills standing by to post on the smallest of sites and FB posts.

    Kill you an armadillo, line it with tin foil, at least three layers to keep them from reading your brainwaves!!!!

  5. Out here in California, it is the same for workers comp. Find doctors to fit your narrative. SSA at the DDS level finds doctors to deny. Period. All reps and pretty much everybody involved in SSA knows it. Why not just admit it?

  6. Really nice and informative blog, keep it up buddy…Thanks for sharing

  7. I can do 4 in an hour
    A doctor said with a greedy glower
    If you may me by the piece
    I will wallow in the fees

    And if more claimants get denied
    Who should have won, then they die
    Who will care? Not OIG
    It's a numbers game, not quality

    I'll be laughing with money to burn
    While all those claimants wait their turn
    For someone with the time of day
    To look at their files and say

    What the heck was that doctor thinking, anyway?

  8. It is the disability examiner whi is supposed to get all the records, highlight and bookmark the pertinent information, and summarize the information in a clear and coherent way and propose to the doctor what Listing is likely met. Some cases take a minute once the evidence is there... Think 10.06 or 100.04. Other cases may take hours. In this case the real crime is that the medical system is such that people get to this stage before they feel they can go to a medical provider for care
