
Nov 21, 2019

Hearings To Go Ahead On Friday After Thanksgiving

     I've seen a tweet from the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) saying that any hearings scheduled for the Friday after Thanksgiving will go forward despite the announcement that Social Security offices will be closed to the public that day. 
     I've been practicing Social Security law for 40 years and I don't think I've ever had a hearing scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving. (I did have one scheduled for 8:30 a.m. an December 26, however, many years ago.)


  1. If everyone puts in leave then it's great. Usually had one person who didn't use their leave wisely and wanted to come in. Then is was a matter of having to have someone in management come in and have a guard. Not product I've use of resources. Let's not add in the ones who would call in sick that day or the following Monday.

  2. I have heard of it out here in SoCal but never scheduled one. I do know the security guards always have to come in even if there is nothing to guard. Kind of feel bad for them.

    In fact, this happens a lot when ALJs wrap up their hearings before lunch some days. Then, the security guard literally does nothing from about 1-4:30 p.m. It's a lonely job but pays well.

  3. When I was an SSA employee, I always worked on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Never wanted to go to the jam-packed Black Friday sales and didn't travel out-of-town. Besides that, it was quieter in the office, could actually get some work done.
