
Nov 21, 2019

Is Bed Bug Problem At Tulsa Hearing Office Over?

     From Government Executive:
Nearly 50 employees at the Social Security Administration as well as members of the public have been exposed to bedbugs and poor air quality for almost a year and a half at a hearing office in Tulsa, Okla., officials with a union representing administrative law judges said this week.
Reports from the Health and Human Services Department and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration both confirmed that despite the fact that the Social Security hearing office, which is located in a converted mall at 14002 E. 21st St. in Tulsa, is kept “clean and in good repair,” the office continues to suffer from a nagging bedbug infestation, as well as high levels of carbon dioxide related to the building’s HVAC system.
Last month, OSHA determined the problems constituted “unsafe and unhealthful working conditions,” and gave the agency until Nov. 19 to abate the violations. In a statement, Social Security Administration spokeswoman Nicole Tiggemann said the air quality issues were tied to “humidity/air flow issues during the summer” and have been addressed. Tiggemann said the facility has been treated for bedbugs again following a positive “canine alert” test last month. ...
“Staff has taken them home,” [the union president] said. “It’s horrible, and very upsetting that they’ve exposed their families to that. It’s very unfortunate, and costly to eliminate them . . . This is a very serious matter that has impacted staff, judges and exposed American citizens, and it needs resolution.”


  1. My local OHO had a bed bug infestation several years ago and I recall that it was a real bugger to get resolved.


  2. My office is tied to a Program Center. One of the employees there said that bed bugs were all over one floor.

    Since our office is separate from the PC, they either have same nasty employees, or employees traveling to unkempt places. No bugs yet in my office, yet (keeping fingers crossed)

  3. Wow, I am from Tulsa and on SSDI.. glad I never had to go there!


  4. To anonymous @ 6:24 PM, bed bugs don't necessarily come from "nasty employees" or those traveling to unkempt places. Beg bugs can get on a person just going to an office and sitting next to someone who has them on their person. Even the best of hotels can get infested. Health care workers such as nurses can get them on them from patients they care for. Unfortunately, this happened to my husband who is an ICU nurse. One of his patients had come in with bed bugs and even though the ER took all his clothes outside, I guess some remained in his hair or beard. We ended up with them in our bedroom and we are not nasty people. It cost a fortune to treat for them and it was a HUGE hassle.
