
Jan 22, 2020

Where Are We This Afternoon?

     Social Security's ERE system which attorneys like me use to obtain access to the agency's records on our clients is working. However, there are persistent reports that there are major problem across computer systems at Social Security preventing many, perhaps most, agency employees from fully doing their jobs. I'm sure they're concentrating on what can be done without using the IT systems but I'm sure they can only do so much offline. Maybe something this extensive has happened previously but it certainly hasn't happened lately. This is a big deal and Social Security needs to get out a press release.


  1. Just got this email notification. "ERE is currently functioning as expected." Not sure if that is good or bad...

  2. System designed for the ALJ's to take notes and write instructions varied between completely off-line and only marginally functional all day.

  3. There should be a pres release, and an inquiry and an impeachment of the agency chief and some public floggings. Chill out, you will see this happen to at least one airline this year, at least one bank, or anything else that uses computers.

  4. @8:57

    Or we could not "chill out" and instead complain to Congress so that they actually permit Social Security to spend money on infrastructure development, versus a new headquarters which was unnecessary.

    Also, private entities like airlines and banks have the ability to be responsive to public criticism, and they tend not to be until there is actual public criticism.

  5. @10:27

    I'm with you! Where should we meet? I'll bring the pickets if you make the signs. I have rounded up 4 other old cranky people whose fingers have gone numb from hitting the refresh button. I also have a vlogger and a podcaster who are interested in you views. Together you and I will... Oh Wait, never mind it's back up.

  6. @10:27 thats a hoot.

    Angry dude: "Congress I demand action, SSA computers were down and there was no press conference!!!"

    Congress: "C'mon man, we are not even taking global warming or an impeachment serious and you freakin' bout some down computers?"

  7. 10:27 here.

    @3:05 & 8:39

    I'm not angry, just pointing out the constant knee jerk response to criticism from agency officials ignores the fact that criticism is the way most issues are solved.

  8. 8:39 AM Computer issues that effect people's ability to do work SHOULD be taken MUCH more seriously than the global warming HOAX and the impeachment SHAM!!!
