
Jan 22, 2020

Where Are We This Morning?

     I had posted yesterday afternoon that ERE, the online system that I and other attorneys use to access the files that the Social Security Administration keeps on our clients, was down and had been down the entire day. Comments made in response to that post indicated that many systems used by Social Security employees were also down. 
    So, where are we this morning? I got into ERE without difficulty a few minutes ago but there were comments, apparently from Social Security employees even this morning saying that many of their systems are still down. Did I just happen to access ERE just as it came back up? Did I just happen to get into a system that's mostly non-functional? What about the systems that Social Security employees use? Are they back up?
     I think what has happened or may still be happening is a big enough deal that Social Security ought to send out a press release.


  1. Computer (mainframe) says "noooooooo."

  2. I was on the phone this AM with my local OHO and their system was down and, from the comments made, had been sputtering off and on since yesterday.

  3. I did get a notice from ssa about ERE.

  4. Many/most SSA systems were down this morning but as of about 10:00 eastern, most are running as smooth as usual.

  5. Irony - the server statistics web page is down.

    Can’t reach this page

    •Make sure the web address is correct
    •Search for this site on Bing
    •Refresh the page

  6. SSA sent out email at 7AM saying ERE was back up and running. I DM'ed you the link for resetting your notices.

  7. When your contractors are the low bidders, you get what you pay for.

  8. At 7 PM tonight at an event, an old buddy who is in the SSA security apparatus was on a work conference call as SSA staff frantically is trying to restore mainframe service. Something about PINS being deleted, degraded or wiped - he was too busy to explain. Sounds like some upgrade or software improvement went south.
