
Apr 19, 2021

EM On Covid-19

      Social Security has issued an Emergency Message on the evaluation of Covid-19 disability claims. It's long but don't expect anything that's really new. I don't fault them; it's too early. About the only thing that I see that's even halfway new is a statement that individuals who have had extended stays in intensive care usually require an extended period of rehabilitation before they can return to work. That seems obvious but I don't recall ever seeing that from Social Security and I can recall non-Covid cases where Social Security failed to take this into consideration.


  1. Of course they are going to specifically mention that. I fully expect the agency to deny EVERY claim they possibly can where the person didn't undergo post-hospitalization physical therapy. The doctors will all prescribe it upon release, but physical therapy ain't cheap and a lot of these patients simply won't be able to afford it after accruing astronomical hospital bills during periods of non-employment.

    We'll see...

  2. Refresh my memory, didnt the CARES Act of 2020 cover inpatient medical bills for Covid19 patients that were uninsured? Were there not enhancements to Medicare payments as well under the Act? I thought many insurance companies also waived member cost sharing for inpatient admission for treatment along with Medicare Advantage plans?

  3. They will treat it like post-Covid syndrome does not exist kind of like chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. The SSA only has the mental capacity to grant cases when there is just overwhelming evidence or the claimant Grids. No nuance to legitimate disorders without the perfect tests to diagnose.
