
Aug 12, 2021

Legal Immigrants Can Now Get Green Card And Social Security Card At The Same Time

      From the Miami Herald:

One of the first things immigrants in the United States often do right after becoming legal permanent residents is go to a Social Security Administration office to get a new Social Security number or card replacement, which allows its holder to work anywhere in the country without conditions. 

 But starting now, for the first time, all new lawful permanent residents will have a chance to avoid this dual process.

The Biden administration announced on Monday a partnership between the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) that will allow immigrants to apply for their residence or green cards, as well as their Social Security number (SSN) in one fell swoop. ...

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  1. Well, for what it's worth, Michael Korby, Heritage Foundation political Trump appointee in charge of Communications, if no longer on the org chart.

  2. I have doubts ... same as " Enumeration at Birth" .. which has a low success rate.

  3. 12:21 you clearly have no clue what you speak of. EAB is extremely successful.

  4. anon@12:21pm,

    @3:42pm is absolutely right. I'm not one to praise SSA normally, but EAB is one program that works VERY well. The EAB process issues the vast majority of SSNs for newborn children in this country now.

    The biggest group it doesn't hit is mainly preemies who are filing for SSI due to low birth weight. And, that is mainly a case of trying to get the SSN issuance expedited so claims can be taken for those kids. I haven't seen the numbers, but I'm sure the newborn children of illegal aliens who don't have SSNs also are another exception group.

    The ones who don't receive the cards simply didn't give the medical facility a good address, or moved before the cards arrived. That happens so often it isn't funny.

  5. 12:21 here ..I am willing to stand corrected ...HOWEVER my experience does not support the plaudits for EAB . 7:46 speaks to those filing claims and that is the basis for my comment. In my urban area enumeration has been centralized in "Social Security Card Centers " .

  6. They have been that since the Trump administration
