
May 9, 2022

Employee Viewpoint Survey

     The federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has issued its Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey for 2021. Over 11,000 Social Security employees responded. The survey results are reported in dozens of tables. I didn't see anything that jumped off the page. Overall, Social Security employees seem less happy than federal employees in general but not strikingly so. Take a look and tell us what you think.


  1. Really? Out of 34 federal agencies, SSA ranked 33rd in job satisfaction amongst employees. Only the Department of Homeland Security ranked lower.

    They also ranked 31/34 in employee confidence in upper management with only 42.5% of employees saying "senior leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce."

  2. What’s glaring but isn’t in the report is that not even 10 years ago SSA was in the top 5.

    1. Yes, what happened? Oh wait...Trump and Saul, that's what happened.

  3. Right. It used to be a good place to work. Now it's 12 hours of work in just 8 hours.

  4. Left SSA for another Federal agency recently and can confirm: SSA is an abysmal place to work by comparison. My new agency is just....normal.

  5. Can't blame everything on Trump/Saul. Lack of funding and mismanagement from Colvin sent us into a deep spiral. As far as Saul goes, everyone hangs their hat on the fact he did away with telework. If it was so important to the Union and membership, why did the not negotiate it into the 2019 contract? Problem solved if it is contractual. And no, I was not a Saul fan.

  6. This and the ongoing Federal Pulse surveys confirm that SSA is the worst large agency to work for in the federal government, and ACOSS seems to only be making things worse.

    For example, this ACOSS decided that all material for her review now has to be reviewed by every single DC level component. All decisions get made at the top now, so that means 3x the work and that everything has ground to a halt.

    The micromanagement and distrust of agency employees is through the roof. Our staffing level has fallen off a cliff, and only looks to get worse in the future. We are all doing the work of 3 people.

    I am looking for any and every possible exit. This job is making my life miserable.

    1. Heck, we aren't even allowed to contact IT ourselves if we have a problem. We have to contact our supervisor so that they can contact IT on our behalf

  7. Ditto to 10:01! Been here 31 years, never has it been quite this bad!
