
May 10, 2022

How Does It Feel?


  1. I’m in a small office because everyone quit or retired during Covid. I’m in the office full time. I chose not to telework. I can confirm I got a lot more work done at home than in the FO.

    All I do here all day is SSN cards and benefits verifications. None of my SSI workload gets touched including allowances.

    But hey, people need their cards, so here I am.

  2. clearly most work for OHO, not operations.

  3. Interesting that only 3% say that they are seriously concerned about getting Covid but the vast majority don't want to work in the office anyway.

  4. Apparently the majority of the employees forgot what commitment
    to service is and what they signed up for when accepting this job! Sad to see.

  5. It’s just a paycheck, like any other job. A means to an end.

  6. @12:42
    Commitment went out the door when we stepped out and COLAs were not even keeping up with the prior year's inflation. This is why masses are applying for any promotion at all, because getting yelled out by the public is not worth they continual pay cuts. Especially since their problem is not even achieving a 6th grade reading level and reading the damn letters we send.

  7. I’m in a hearing office and don’t care either way. If someone wants an in-person hearing, let’s do it. If they want to avoid the hearing office or a multi-hour drive to their local hearing/remote office, cool beans. We now have the technology to do hearings however an individual wants to do them so long as HOCALJs don’t force the issue.

  8. 5:05 please name a profession that is keeping up with inflation with raises, I sure would like to know. Just remember the next time you are full on Karen on someone that it is just karma coming to visit.
