
Nov 8, 2022

Time Off For Voting A Problem At SSA?

     From Government Executive:

Several agencies are ignoring or putting tight restrictions on the Biden administration’s directive to provide extra time off for employees to vote or work at the polls, according to dozens of workers, the union representing them and internal policies reviewed by Government Executive.  ...

To qualify for the bonus leave, GPO said, employees must be unable to vote due to work duties—such as due to work-related travel—and not have access to absentee voting. Early voting options must also be the same hours as normal election day hours to remain eligible for the time off. If an employee can vote on alternative days earlier in the morning or later at night than is available on Nov. 8, GPO would not provide administrative leave. ...

[A]gencies that employees flagged as non-receptive to leave-for-voting requests included the Veterans Affairs Department, Transportation Security Administration, Social Security Administration and Defense Department. ...


  1. Maryland allows for absentee voting without any reason, so it shouldn’t be surprising to anyone that SSA denies a lot of requests for leave to vote

  2. Actually the EO states that voting time should be given regardless of schedule conflicts.

  3. Many states have absentee ballots for everyone. Most polls are open long enough for people to vote in person. Seems like few would need to take time off.
    Ages ago they used to let us off for half an hour if needed.

    1. That’s the old school way of thinking. That no longer applies to today. Anything that seemingly puts a potential “barrier” in place for anyone is seen as a problem.

      Besides, a lot of us at SSA work more than 8 hours a day and some of us have a second job as well.

    2. Not to mention that in states unwilling to expand absentee voting, voter suppression efforts have resulted in hours-long wait times at the polls.

  4. In NY Polls open 6 AM - 9 PM .. who at SSA works a 15 hour day NOW including commmute . I did back in the day 8 @ SSA and 5 moonlighting at UPS .. NOT COUNTING COMMUTE .

  5. NY has nine days of early voting. I voted on the first possible day, a Saturday, walked my family to the polling place and we all got stickers (even the little one), and I could spend Election Day happily deciding cases. Nice to be in a blue state that doesn't view voting as a threat to those in power.

  6. @1109 Georgia early voting starts the 4th Monday before election day. Florida 10 days before election day. Most states offer early voting.

  7. Seriously SSA employees get plenty of leave. Take responsibility and vote before or after OR put in a leave request for 2 hours so you can vote. They don’t need any additional free leave.
