
Mar 28, 2023

Mask Requirement Lifted?

     I haven't been there yet myself but I'm told that at least one local hearing office has dropped the mask requirement. Does this apply at all Social Security offices? The plexiglass shields are still present in the hearing rooms, however. I find those to be more of a nuisance than masks.


  1. COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan 3 (March 27, 2023)

  2. What are the main changes from V2.2 to V3.0?

  3. Yes, I walked into a hearing office today and was told it is now mask optional.

  4. Basically the big change is in any city where is an office is located in an area of “low spread” per the CDC community tracker, masks are optional. Also I don’t believe social distancing will be required by claimants so more people can fit in the lobby.

  5. it depends on cdc weekly designation of covid level for local area; released every Thursday and effective for a week

  6. It varies from office to office - depends upon whether the COVID level in the location of the office is low or not.

    As long as it remains low, no masks. If it goes up, masks come back.


  7. PC7 had meetings on Monday.
    * Masks optional unless it is determined that we are in a high spread situation, then masks are mandatory.
    * Cloth masks are no longer acceptable on mandatory mask days.Must be high quality mask:N95 or KN95.
    * The situation will be reevaluated every Thursday. Signs will be posted at entrances on masking situation.

    We are scheduled for another meeting later today, perhaps things will change again.

  8. Until the scheduling process changes, the waiting area being crowded would a rarity. With hearings set so far apart for in-person, unless judges get way behind and claimants are showing up very early it'd be hard to build up a waiting room crowd.

    Nearly every rep I speak to is hopeful they will be able to continue doing hearings by phone or via video on Teams. The demand for in-person hearings may remain low.
