
Sep 1, 2023

AI And White Collar Social Security Jobs: Part III

     Here's the third and final installment in my series on what Chat GPT can do in a Social Security context.

Request: Write a 10 line poem in blank verse on the subject of Social Security

Chat GPT Response:

Amidst life's journey, a safety net unfurls,

Social Security, a promise held firm.

A shelter for the elders, time's weathered crew,

Their toil remembered, their dignity due.

A woven tapestry of care and grace,

Support in twilight years, a steadfast embrace.

Contributions sown as seeds for the age,

Harvested in retirement, a just wage.

Through cycles and years, its shield endures,

Social Security, a nation's pledge secures

    I'd call this impressive. Of course, if you read anything about Chat GPT you’ll quickly learn about the app’s ability to write poetry. For me, I couldn't write even one couplet in blank verse. One of the questions I ask my clients is "Do you have any hobbies?" It never ceases to amaze me that a not insignificant number of people answer "Writing poetry" and some of those people lack even a high school education. I think there's a poetry gene that I didn't inherit.




  2. charles you are the best :)

  3. Charles, be glad you can work instead of being able to write poetry.

  4. Blank verse isn't supposed to rhyme, so that's a fail.

    Ask it to write on the same subject in tetrameter (eight syllables per line rather than ten). It would probably fail that, too.

    I suspect most of those people who write poetry as a hobby also lack a poetry gene.
