
Sep 2, 2023

More Union Support For O'Malley Nomination

     From Government Executive:

A coalition of 35 labor unions that represent federal workers last week joined the chorus of stakeholders endorsing former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley to serve as commissioner of the Social Security Administration and urged senators to move quickly to confirm him to his post.

The Federal Workers Alliance, which consists of a variety of labor groups collectively representing more than 550,000 federal workers and postal employees, including the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, the National Federation of Federal Employees and the National Treasury Employees Union, announced their support in an Aug. 25 letter to senators. ...


  1. In other news, the foxes have voted to guard all the houses.

  2. I suppose it's irrelevant to you that Gov. O'Malley is competent and actually cares about SSA, unlike the last confirmed Commissioner.


  3. O’Malley won’t be abusive and disrespectful towards SSA workers. The Republicans need to stop treating government workers as the enemy.

    1. @209 Republicans haven't been as bad as you'd think. They always gave employees annual COLAs.

  4. And, according to many, he was the source of all evil and everything would be right as rain once he was gone.

  5. I’m from MD. Horrible governor and he’ll screw up SSA even worse than it is.

  6. One of the best thing O'Malley could do would be wipe upper leadership clean and get rid of all the out of touch, lazy management and start fresh, WHILE introducing culture change at the agency. Top management loves to cry about employees leaving but also make life hell for operations employees on a daily basis, either directly with policy, or indirectly with terrible culture pushed onto junior leaders, which gets shoved onto employees.
