Feb 26, 2025

50% Staff Reduction Coming?

    From The American Prospect:

The Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (SSA) requested in a meeting on Tuesday that managers present him with a plan for a 50 percent reduction in staff, a mass firing that could affect tens of thousands of employees across the country. ...

 “I’m getting conflicting reports on what was discussed in that meeting,” said Rich Couture, spokesperson for the Social Security General Committee of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), adding that some reports indicated that field offices would be spared. But one manager present at the meeting indicated that the 50 percent trim was at all levels. And cuts that have dribbled out over the past several days appear to impact field offices where a majority of SSA employees work. ...

In an email to the Prospect, SSA would not confirm any reductions in its workforce beyond the abolition of two small internal offices announced this week. “We have not set any reduction targets, however we will continue to pursue efficiencies within the agency and align like missions,” an SSA spokesperson said. “We have no further information at this time.” ...

    Anything like this would, of course, render the Social Security Administration immediately incapable of carrying out any of its functions. This might not be popular with voters.


Anonymous said...

That’s why Dudek is pushing expediting WEP and GPO cases before the Musk chainsaw hits SSA.

Anonymous said...

So the OPM guidance today seems to match with this info coming out that all of SSA is on the hook. The memo specifically mentions consolidating customer service facing components to reduce agency footprints and FTEs. The initial proposal is to keep closing level 2 offices (I think DOGE is letting 10 expire plus some mentioned in this article ) and consolidate locations and RIF excess employees. Also removing duplicate management, so ADM in a level 1 will probably get RIF’d, since there is an DM there, excess TEs, MSS’s RIF’d in Offices with multiple OS’s etc. The regional offices will also be targeted for RIF as much work can be outsourced to contractors, per the OPM memo, like training, IT, some logistics and real estate management etc . Centers will be consolidated across the country and excess employees RIF’d. Same in HQ, middle level management is on the line and services subject to contracting out will also be used to reduce FTE’s. The ACOSS has also mentioned outsourcing 800 number work to private companies to help with overflow calls. Initial plans are due March 14 and OPM is planning to grant blanket RIF waivers to allow for a 30 day notice rather than 60. This is significant and is government wide. Not just SSA. But SSA and the field office is clearly on the hook.

Anonymous said...

Hearing offices I would suppose are also in the line of fire? Judges, attorneys?

Anonymous said...

Talk about breaking shit that can’t get broke.

Anonymous said...

Even with truncated notice, wouldn't a RIF at this scale be massively complicated and take forever to properly execute?

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering about this as well, particularly because the entirety of OHO was excluded from both the "Fork in the Road," and early retirement offers. I read those exclusions as signs that OHO was already known to be cut to the bone and could not afford to lose anyone.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they're asking mgt to identify what can and cannot be broke by March 13/14.

Anonymous said...

From the OPM memo:

But for service subcomponents or offices, implementation shall not begin until certified by OMB and OPM as resulting in a positive effect on the delivery of such services. . . .

For agencies that provide direct services to citizens (such as Social Security, Medicare, and veterans’s health care), the agency’s certification that the implementation of the AARPs will have a positive effect on the delivery of such services. . . .

Finally, agencies or components that provide direct service to citizens (such as Social Security, Medicare, and veterans health care) shall not implement any ARRPs until OMB and OPM certify that the plans will have a positive effect on the delivery of such services.

The 50% reduction nonsense is trolling, pure and simple, but it is unclear at this point who is trolling who.

Anonymous said...

It's an illegitimately appointed ACOSS trying to show he has what it takes to be a good obergruppenführer.

Anonymous said...

Russ said he’d bring the trauma-they are going full throttle. It’s hard to tell if this is designed to merely foment fear and uncertainty and get people to quit.

Anonymous said...

Odd because a memo just came out asking for mass RIFs of non essential employees across all agencies, but SSA staff are mostly essential during rifs.

Then the same memo mentioned TWICE that SSA should not rif unless there is no disruption to service. SSA is the only agency mentioned to first get approval of any rifs.

I’m thinking this is more scare tactic actual to get people to resign. But who the hell knows. Give me my severance and I’ll happily be gone. To another country…

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's very hard to believe that even these folks would seek a 50% reduction in the SSA workforce. But it's also odd that AFGE is apparently taking the idea seriously and even said that it had received "unofficial confirmation" that such a reduction was being sought or proposed.

Anonymous said...

Prob more doge trolling try to get people to quit and lose sleep.

Anonymous said...

They're not going to really do a RIF though, they'll say all the positions are eliminated with no bumping or alternatives.

Anonymous said...

When you mean center do you mean payment centers or regional office disability offices. I am a disability processing specialist at the payment center and hope I do not get RIF’d. I was exempt from taking the VERA and DRP, but I’m not as confident as keeping my job.

Anonymous said...

I hope I am not RIF’d but I expect it as I am a disability processing specialist for the payment center. When you say centers being consolidated, do you mean payment centers or disability centers at the regional office.

Anonymous said...

I expect to see huge RIFs in the Regional Offices and HQ Components and like another poster opined - management FO positions like ADMs could also be targeted. It's not going to get any better... I am so sorry for all of you who work for SSA (and the other Feds too) that you are going through this!! Heed the advice from AFGE to get your documentation inline NOW.

Anonymous said...

Both the "resignation" and early out were not offered to SSA FO, TSC or PC employees. If that were offered, there would be no need for other cuts as so many are ready and willing to leave.

Anonymous said...

Give yourselves a round of applause, Trumpers, you made this happen!

Anonymous said...

I spoke to someone that has already experienced a RIF at their agency. Mgmt was asked to designate critical employyes to be retained. The requests were ignored.

So forget about your PACS will save you! Your awards will save you! You'll have better chances playing the lottery.

Anonymous said...

You can’t improve service anywhere in the government by cutting 50% of staff. Nor is firing employees and outsourcing the work to more expensive private contractors ever going to save money. Yet here we are watching half the nation believe these obviously impossible claims. I hope they enjoy the suffering they’ve brought on themselves by voting for a rapist and convicted felon because Kamala didn’t seem likable enough to drink beer with or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Early outs and resignations are not part of the Musk game plan. He wants to embarrass federal employees.

Anonymous said...

The resignation offer was absolutely a Musk thing. He used the same subject line for the email as he used at Twitter.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what contractors they are expecting to take over for some of these legacy systems in green screen w/ COBOL backing, where experience and knowledge is developed over time and you need business knowledge to understand. There's no modernized full replacement for some claim types yet, so these systems remain the backbone of daily claim intake and cannot be down for any length of time or claims simply won't be paid.

Anonymous said...

"because Kamala didn’t seem likable enough to drink beer with or whatever."

A nice way to say many american voters are sexist and racist.

Anonymous said...

Just don't move to Canada-it may become the 51st state yet-crazier things have been happening!