Feb 26, 2025

At Last Five Regional Commissioners Resign

      From Government Executive::

Most of the Social Security Administration’s regional commissioners have decided to retire at the end of this week, following mysterious meetings with agency leaders about plans to slash its workforceAt least five of the eight regional commissioners whose offices oversee and support the agency’s frontline offices across the country are leaving this week, according to a source familiar with the agency and an SSA employee not authorized to speak on the record.  … 

“After 35 years of rewarding service with the Social Security Administration, I have decided to retire from my position as regional commissioner in the Western region, effective February 28, 2025,” one regional commissioner, Howard Bowles, wrote in an internal email obtained by Government Executive, though he did not specify the reason for his departure.. “It has truly been an honor to serve the American people during my tenure.”

Regional commissioners LeeAnn Stuever, Rick Lenoir, Rose Mary Buehler and Raymond Egan are also leaving, according to a source familiar with the situation. …

     To put it mildly, this is an earthquake. Almost inconceivable. 


Anonymous said...

If this isn’t a warning sign to the American people, Congress and the administration I don’t know what will be. Have worked with at least three of these executives, one as recently as last week, and this is unimaginable.

Anonymous said...

Are the last three regional commissioners waiting for Christmas? Be true leaders and set an example!

At least five of the eight regional heads have decided to leave as the mid-level worker-turned-acting commissioner is said to mull workforce reduction.

Anonymous said...

Tsunamis frequently follow earthquakes.

Anonymous said...

Has the news reached out to Frank Bisignano about any of this? Has he been consulted or is he calling these shots? My understanding is he has been very involved with leadership prior to Michelle King leaving. How does he feel about these changes?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Denver or SF had a regional commissioner (vacant) so that leaves only one left?

Anonymous said...

This are good people who have dedicated their careers to public service. Very sad

Anonymous said...

Remember when the Republican Party fought against ACA because of supposed death panels? They were so worried about senior citizens back then. Now they are essentially saying to heck with them. So we are going to choke Social Security and throw grandma and grandpa in the street now? Cool. Wonder who will get all that trust fund money? Definitely won’t be the folks who paid into it.

Anonymous said...

They are going to cripple Social Security and then act like the only way to save it is through privatizing it. It’s going to be a disaster for the citizenry if it isn’t stopped.

Anonymous said...

Howard was the RC for Denver and acting for SF.

Anonymous said...

@10:11, it will leave Dallas, Kansas City and Boston. Howard was the RC for Denver, Seattle and San Fran, Lee Ann was Philly, Rose Mary was Atlanta, Rick was Chicago and Raymond was New York.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to know this as well. I have to imagine he's involved and that anything being done is with his approval.

Anonymous said...

AC closing?

Anonymous said...

They must be leaving because they probably pushed back on loosing the amount of employees they want gone, said it will be a total disaster to the agency and they know result will be a total implosion of the agency. In addition to the employees careers and the poor citizens who paid for their benefit who will have difficulty obtaining, you attorneys will probably never get paid your fees.

Anonymous said...

Ray Egan, my boss in the NYRO, was an exemplary leader, role model, and public servant. This is a major loss to the public in the Region. Ray - if you see this, thanks for everything and best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Bisig is calling the shots per the all hands with OQR last week, announcing move to OHO

Anonymous said...

Silent resignations don't say enough. What are the plans here? Surely someone has heard something? The article says laying off 7,000 or getting staff to 50k. But some are saying half?

Anonymous said...

When anyone loses their job it’s never something to be happy about. These RCs gave their life to serving the American people and I want to acknowledge that.

That being said, it’s time for a change. This agency is not serving the American people as it should be due to mismanagement, lack of accountability at all levels, and incompetence. These leaders and many current and former SESers at SSA who have come and gone need to step aside. When they had the juice to improve oversight, accountability they blew it. Leadership means sometimes making hard decisions not just collecting a government paycheck from SSA sugar daddy. Unions included - everyone wants a status quo.

Let fresh thinking snd fresh actions and approaches take a crack at delivering services that America needs, securely, efficiently and reliably.

Lee you may be lambasted for your decisions but glad you have the fortitude to see it through.

Anonymous said...

Dustin Brown is back as COO…so now he is working with DOGE and Commissioner Leland…funny for a O’Malley hire

Anonymous said...

9:30 PM is right about the Tsunami to follow. Deputies for the RCs will very well follow suit. And so on. The goal of DOGE seems to be chaos - DOGC.

Anonymous said...

Silent resignations don't say enough. ME: true.. .they should be going to the media.. same with King... where are they.. they have their nice retirement-- the least they can do is speak out.

Anonymous said...

A true leader would stick around as long as necessary to help their employees and agency through a most difficult time. Rather than work within the system to identify problems with the reorg and solve them, they abandon ship. To me it appears more like selfishness or cowardice rather than leadership.

Anonymous said...

7,000 is a lot different than 50%. 50% implies they want to break the system and sell it off to doge /private sector. 7,000 can be done with VERAs, attrition and some small RIFs perhaps (20% in some offices etc).

Anonymous said...

All of these people are completely replaceable. The agency will continue on. I left three years ago because of the mandate. I was replaced and the sun kept on rising every morning.

Anonymous said...

Social Security is woefully understaffed as it is and the talk now is to cut existing staff in half. Like they have been doing for years, they imagine that technology improvements will mean the need for staff is less. Are we now going to have AI chat bots for all calls while I keep pushing 0 over and over again to get a live human being. Wishing won't make it so

Anonymous said...

Forgive my ignorance, but I honestly have no idea what a Regional Commissioner does. That's way above my pay grade. I'm wondering if the resignations make it that much harder for the administration to do a proper RIF because the people that could pull together all of the complex stuff required to do it properly have just walked out the door.

Anonymous said...

The catchy phrase of combating crime, fraud and abuse is really a front to dismantle all agencies and give the power to the executive branch. The icing on the cake is to extend the Trump tax cuts of 4.5 trillion by any means possible. The courts are our last hope for this Democracy to survive since Republicans in Congress only answer to one individual. Congress should be on the chopping block if they want to address waste since they are giving up their constitutional authority of three equal branches of government.

Anonymous said...

Government employees are really dim. I mean really dim. You can end all of this in one week. Just one week. EVERY worker doesnt show up for a week, every single govt employee (okay maybe not the direct healthcare but no appts just those in crisis.) that would end this madness. But no, sit and wring your hands. You have them outnumbered and provide the services, they cant do any of that. But you sit and wait your turn to go on the chopping block. I have NO sympathy for you. No action, no reward.

Anonymous said...

Bravo. Ray is a good man.

Anonymous said...

Boy, that nearly $1B wasted unnecessarily on DCPS seems to hit different now.

Anonymous said...

It is illegal for government employees to strike.

Anonymous said...

6:55 am: That used to be true. But I refuse to work with fascists and racists.

Anonymous said...

“He who saves his Country does not violate any Law,” Mr. Trump wrote,

Anonymous said...

Yup. 100% this. Cripple SSA, fire staff and outsource (i.e. privatize) the administration of the program, and then from there it's not such a big leap to privative the benefits. This is the playbook, and now it's happening.

Anonymous said...

Likewise for LeeAnn Stuever - every time I interacted with her I came away very impressed. She's knowledgeable and effective, and clearly cares deeply about the people we serve. What an awful sign for the agency, when people like her are unable to stay in good conscience.

Anonymous said...

“ But you sit and wait your turn to go on the chopping block. I have NO sympathy for you. No action, no reward”

As already mentioned, it is illegal for federal employees to strike. Secondly, if this happened, it would be immediately spun as “look! See! Those lazy federal employees just don’t want to work! Who needs them!?”

If the admin fires workers, they will have no one to blame but themselves for the shit storm that will ensue when public services are so degraded that the public actually realizes it AND does anything.

Anonymous said...

Tell me you are Leland Dudek without telling me.

Anonymous said...


Please let everyone here know when you plan to make your stand. We'll all be there to cheer you on.

Ask not your fellow employees to do what you yourself are not willing to do. Or, in layman's terms, put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:01 IMO it compounds the chaos and increases the anxiety of all employees. That's why I think it's a selfish act by RC's, unbefitting senior executives that high up on the food chain.

I wish they had asked themselves, "What would Larry Massanari have done?" I can't imagine him ever cutting and running like this, regardless of the situation. Just my 2 cents as a GS retiree from the agency.

Anonymous said...

And if you think this administration won't just fire everyone who strikes, look at what happened when the ATCs tried it 40 years ago.

Anonymous said...

They were likely given a choice. Resign or be fired. SES is a political job. Fire at will.

Anonymous said...

Follow the money

Anonymous said...

Easy to have your puppet, Leland does the bidding. When it all falls apart, Frank can come in, blame Leland and the clean-up mess.

Anonymous said...

You forget to mention reduction of retirement and disability benefits. Pocket the rest. MAGA, Trump and Elon told you that you would feel some pain. Hope you are prepared in seeing your benefit check reduced, your Medicare premiums increase (limits on treatment), Medicaid restricted (state taxes increased to cover cost), folks getting kicked out of assisted living/nursing homes, veteran's healthcare and benefits cut. Trump was saying it out loud that you were "losers" and "suckers". No one will be around to answer your questions, only the great AI overlord.

Anonymous said...

Contractors are going to see contracts reduced and cut. Happening already.

Anonymous said...

No replacements are going to come in. MAGA – More Austerity, Greater Anxiety for all

Anonymous said...

Understaffing is the goal to get rid of retirement and disability benefits. We are all on our own. Thank you, MAGA (Mandatory Austerity, Government Abandonment)

Anonymous said...

I think it is half of headquarters?

Anonymous said...

It may be illegal to strike as a federal employee, but the contract is void, they have broken it with illegal firings. Do nothing and nothing will be done. Lambs go to slaughter, at least go out with dignity. No sympathy

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you don't get anything. Striking isn't illegal because of the contract, void or not (hint: it's not voided by breach). Striking is against the law and opens you to prosecution, as happened to the ATCs. On top of that, you're only helping them do what they want to do in getting rid of you, only now you have no recourse because of your illegal activity.

Anonymous said...

No. Good try but this is not Lee Dudek.

Anonymous said...

President Elon is begging..

Elon Musk begs ‘top notch’ air traffic controllers to come out of retirement to ease shortage

Anonymous said...

Or maybe they were threatened.

Anonymous said...

Much of the information tallying done by the regional offices is duplicative, and make-work. They and their offices always appeared to me to be redundant.

Anonymous said...

Regional offices have been on and off the chopping block by both Dem and Rep administrations for decades. I recall Clinton-Gore took a run at streamlining the regional structure at SSA as part of their "reinventing government" initiatives.

In all cases politics intervened, territories were protected, and nothing ever changed.