The lesson I take from this is to be unafraid or at least to not betray fear. Fear feeds Trump. Fight back as best you can. Of course it’s not hard for me to affect fearlessness. I’m in the process of retiring. (I plan to continue the blog.) I know it’s terribly difficult for those with legitimate fears of harm and that’s many, perhaps most, Social Security employees.
I will say that while the performative cruelty was ugly during the first Trump Administration and is much uglier this time around, it necessarily inspires great revulsion among many. Republican lawmakers are already facing hostile receptions when they hold town halls. Those matter. Remember the Tea Party? The Trump Administration is faring extremely poorly in court. Maybe the Supreme Court will bail out Trump every time but I strongly doubt it. The legal bad faith from this Administration is just stunning. I’ve been practicing law for almost 50 years. Bad faith is the kiss of death in anything other than the very short term. It may help you win one battle but it will definitely lose you the war. Any attorney who represents clients in the way that the Trump Administration’s attorneys are doing will be extraordinarily unsuccessful. See Trump’s legal efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. It’s no accident that attorneys who went down this road were completely unsuccessful and some lost their law licenses and a few are facing criminal prosecution.
I can't argue with the performative cruelty thesis, for Trump's second term. He has been much more cruel and reckless this time around. . This cannot and should not be tolerated. If it continues, impeachment should be on the table.
ReplyDeleteHowever this has to be looked at in the context of the phony investigations and impeachment attempts during his first term, and the anti-Trump lawfare which took place during the Biden Administration.
There were political motivations involved with the persecution, indictments, and prosecutions,. Much of what is going on now is payback, to even the score.
After all this is settled, there should be no further indictments of former Presidents , especially on weak, politically motivated cases. It tears the nation apart and widens the partisan divide.
The classic calling card of the bully. LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO! Thanks for playing.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations. You found something written by someone who is probably really smart, and tried to apply it to a situation to try to make yourself look really smart. A person can do this sort of thing all day long - doesn't make it true and doesn't make you look smart. It only shows you have a burr in your saddle and are looking to validate it. The fact is, Trump is attempting to return government to the people by attacking the bloated, dysfunction, wasteful bureaucracy that is weighing this country down. I have no doubt your ilk would have sided with the Crown against those rabble-rousing, bootlegging, radical insurrectionists had you been around in the late 1700s. What Trump is doing may seem a little radical, but given the size of the problem, radical measures are required. Nothing less will be effective. I know some of you don't understand how people can support Trump and I get that. I don't understand how people can support the bloated, wasteful, oppressive government as it now stands. You see cruelty. I see a man who wants to make this country better by getting government out of the way so people can prosper. I think it is cruel of you to want to preserve the status quo that drags us down economically and curtails our rights and freedoms. Heck, we can't account for billions of dollars. Doesn't that bother you at all? Doesn't it bother you that billions has been handed to NGOs that use it to fund propaganda and all sorts of things that most taxpayers consider abhorrent? Isn't it cruel to support such wasteful spending when instead those billions could be used to help the poor and need in this country instead of things like transgender surgeries in other countries. You want to increase taxes you say on the rich but that always includes the middle class. Lets say we do increase taxes on the rich, where does that money go. If you think the Democrats or Republicans are going to use that money to improve the lives of the citizens of this country, you are willfully naive. That money will go to organizations like USAID and fund things like transgender surgeries and drag shows in other countries. Isn't it cruel to waste taxpayer money in that way instead of using it to help the poor and needy here in this country. This is the type of cruelty you support. Perhaps you are the one who is cruel. Get the beam out of your own eye first.
ReplyDeleteLol, you would have been FIRST in line defending King George, joining Benedict Arnold. You have zero understanding of what is actually happening.
Deleteit is cute that you think there is still a middle class
Delete"bloated, wasteful, oppressive government"
DeleteAnyone against taxpayer money being wasted should be a firm no against millionaires and billionaires receiving tax cuts.
Well said 9:15. This is a revolution against enriching the corrupt establishment.
DeleteWhat makes you think any of this money is going to the needy and the poor? Republicans plan to make cuts to Medicaid and SNAP (programs that underprivileged people rely on) along with this alleged “fraud” and “waste” to pay for their tax cuts for billionaires.
DeleteSSA’s operating budget is literally less than 1% of the entire budget. Bloated government, really??? SSA ensures people have funds into old age, benefits for surviving spouses, benefits for children, and income when someone is disabled. The benefit payments are directly funded through OASDI and income taxes on SSA benefits (when the person earns over a certain income and is receiving). These payments directly stimulate the economy because most folks on benefits aren’t just sitting on those payments or using them to invest. Breaking SSA is a quick route back to Hoovervilles and bread lines and a larger divide between the ultra wealthy and the average American.
DeleteOutstanding! So well said!
DeleteWe, the people, are the government. We are your neighbors, your friends, your relatives. We wake up everyday, have our coffee, get our kids off to school, and go to work. We work hard on your behalf, because it’s critical to your livelihood and ours. We are being demoralized, vilified, and called stupid by our highest boss. As government employees, we are underpaid in our job sectors. We account for ~6% of the total budget and work with lower overhead margins than any private sector company (under 1%). WE are not wasteful. WE are not bloated. WE are not oppressive. Take a hard look at your lawmakers… all we do is execute their will.
Deletetheory. seems correct .... it offers useful way to understand.. speaking of cruelty, why did Leland brag about FIRING the probationary employees as a proud recent accomplishment?
ReplyDeleteI wondered about that brag. As far as the other accomplishments it almost makes you not want to do much as he will take the credit. He also erroneously implied that he made the first WEP/ spousal benefits payments yesterday when in fact my spouse was awarded his over two weeks ago
DeleteYeah, talk about performative cruelty. Though in his case it smacks of desperation to please master. That guy is a classic example of a bootlicker. It'll be interesting to see how he fares when/if he has to return to the fold as a mid-level SSA employee. I imagine he's going to be eating a lot of lunches alone.
DeleteI am getting very tired of being told that I should keep fighting against the injustice and cruelty of the Trump Administration by people who in the same breath state that they are retiring.
ReplyDeleteIt's like, sure I am quitting, and I got mine when the getting was good, but you should actually do the hard thing with little chance of any reward and a likely probability of punishment and poverty. Anyway, Stronger Together or what not, I'm out of here.
Retiring when you are 75 years old is hardly abandoning ship. I am doing the same.
DeleteAs an OHO employee I am simply here to call the metaphorical balls and strikes -regardless of who is president and from whatever party that may be- apply the facts and the regs in an impartial way to the best of my ability. The way we are being hassled simply for doing our job/existing is a national disgrace. It’s clear their point is to tear it all down without regard for the consequences.
ReplyDeleteIgnore it all. The news the emails the blogs. I clock in, I do the things, I clock out. My life happens out of the office. If the office becomes intolerable and impacts my life out of the office, the office will go. No warning, no notice. End of the day I will tell my supervisor I am not coming back. Not fair to my coworkers? They are characters in a sitcom, when I leave for the day its like turning off the TV, they cease to exist. Its just a job, there are lots of them.
ReplyDelete@9:15 Drank so much of the Trump / Right Wing Extremism Kool-Aid that I’m guessing he’s permanently stained red.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that's Lee Dudek.
DeleteThe cruelty is the point.
ReplyDeleteWhat, exactly, does this have to do with SSDI? It's an opinion piece, and I do not agree for what it's worth! I think he's doing a great job. We need to cut spending before we default on our debt. Also, I am offended by the picture of him, this is the United States President who won all swing states and the popular vote; have some respect for the other half of the country Charles!
ReplyDeleteYou should probably ask yourself "why do they need to raise the debt ceiling $4 trillion if their programs are reducing the debt?" But I'm sure you won't.
DeleteNow clutch your pearls over any of the million awful things that Trump has done. Start with him mocking a disabled person and go on to his comments about sexually assaulting women.
DeleteUh. It's a private Blog and Charles can talk about anything he likes. And, if you don't like it . . .
DeleteThis individual is a convicted felon.
DeleteWas the SSA Office of Civil Rights just abolished, as well?