Feb 28, 2025

What In Hell Is Happening?



Anonymous said...

What In Hell Is Happening?

Easy question to answer charles. Let me enlighten you.

We(the u.s and world) are marching toward recession,a moderate to severe one.

The country must be honest about who and why trump was elected.

Instead of treating all peacefully motivated humans as people,a large number of trump voters voted based on bigoted,racist or sexist belief of superiority.

And now the entire nation,except wealthy americans,will soon experience greater economic hardship. Social safety nets such as SSA will be of some but not alot of comfort.

I live in a neighboring state. Voted for Kamala Harris.

Anonymous said...

The goal for the Republican Party was to privatize Social Security. This achievement gets closer everyday unless the public rise up and demand that this agency to be fully funded. Changes need to happen soon since an automatic across the board benefit cut of 21% is scheduled in 2033 unless Congress acts.

Anonymous said...

What‘s happening is that voters have gotten too lazy to do any sort of research about candidates before heading into the voting booth. And most of those who do read about politics are totally incapable of identifying the false stories that have proliferated with unbelievable speed in the internet age thanks to ghouls like Musk and Zuckerburg. Democracy can’t survive in this environment.

Anonymous said...

This administration wants mass confusion in order to shrink the governments size. In that manner, they can pass the Republican tax cuts in the tune of 4.5 trillion to keep their billionaire donors happy. Federal employees have job protections such as due process and this administration knows it. Their recourse is to muddy the waters as much as possible and push employees to leave their agencies voluntarily.

Here is an example…

OPM tells court it never ordered mass firings, contradicting prior claims
The Trump administration is arguing in court that agencies acted on their own to fire probationary staff, but it previously sent a government directive with a deadline for the firings.

Anonymous said...

Social services worker here, we do SSI/SSDI claims and representation, Overpayments, Medicare eligibility and problem, SNAP, TANF, Unemployment and more. Former back in the day TII and TXVI CR (yep that long ago!) I have never seen a more viscous thoughtless and cruel attack on the safety net than what we are seeing today. In what world does it make sense to cut staff when wait times are longer than ever? I dont know how this is all going to work out, but its not going to be good and many many people are going to be hurt. I dont know if I even want to fight this battle and try to navigate the ruins of the system when it comes crashing down. It has always been hard to navigate these programs, you are asking those with the least ability to try and survive a system that professional struggle navigating. I just want to walk away. Find something, anything to pay my bills for 27 months till I can take early retirement, if there is anything left then to take retirement from.

Anonymous said...

It’s sad how this administration picks its cabinet members. They are a bunch of loyalists that look the part and if they are part of the Fox Network that is a huge bonus. Disregard their resume since it doesn’t matter but for federal employees it’s a whole different matter.

Anonymous said...

Wealth has become concentrated in the hands of a small number of men, to a degree never seen before, and those men have been allowed to purchase outsized political influence and grow their wealth and power unchecked, often through deception and illegal conduct both parties decided to ignore in exchange for technology and political donations. Now we’re all f**ked until the tide turns or until selfishness is at least less rabidly venerated and defended.

Anonymous said...

Dudek is in league with Project 2025's plan to kill Social Security.

Anonymous said...

I guess fighting crime, fraud and waste is in the eye of the beholder.

Newly-installed FBI Director Kash Patel, whose proclaimed plans to overhaul the nation's premier law enforcement agency have rattled many within the bureau, has proposed enhancing the FBI's ranks with help from the Ultimate Fighting Championship, the martial-arts entertainment giant whose wealthy CEO, Dana White, helped boost President Donald Trump's reelection, according to sources who were told of Patel's proposal.

Anonymous said...

The massive cut is coming and I think peope need to be aware. Our DC just told us that HQ is being reduced to fewer DC components, and the number of regions will be reduced to 4. FOs are also being closed in some areas as well as remote hearing locations. The HRIC yesterday has been approved by OPM and OMB. Most jobs are being categorizes as essential, non-essential, or statutory mission support. None are safe from RIFs. No additional info is being released except that the final plan is due March 13 and there is no decision if that will even be public. Think hard about what is best for you and please help us communicate what is happening. The agency is moving fast with decisions but slow with info.

Anonymous said...

Some of this is backlash for the Democrats and Biden having weaponized the law and their politically motivated prosecutions of Trump and other Republicans.
Also let's face it SSA workers probably vote 90 percent Democratic. If they take private industry jobs at least some of them will switch to Republican.

Anonymous said...

Now that Trump has signed an executive order proclaiming English to be the official language of the US just waiting for Dudek to cancel SSA's translator service...

Anonymous said...

Charles, you’re helping realize the dream that this blog is now the home of AltSSA

Anonymous said...

So are you saying Trump destroying the government and world economy is the previous administration's fault?

Fortunately,low wage trumpers will endure financial ruin like other americans.

Anonymous said...

Democrats weaponizing the government? Yes, that's exactly what Hunter Biden's laptop showed, what pizzagate showed, and the Benghazi kangaroo hearing showed.

Anonymous said...

I can think of multiple federal prosecutions against democrats initiated during Biden‘s term, but only one against a republican politician, which was initiated by an independent (and republican) special counsel. Can you help me out? Or will you just ignore me, thereby tacitly admitting what you spouted off just now was utter bulls**t?

Anonymous said...

(In an order from the bench; further hearing 3/13) Federal Court Finds Firing of Probationary Federal Employees Illegal. https://www.afscme.org/press/releases/2025/federal-court-finds-firing-of-probationary-federal-employees

Anonymous said...

Just heard new rumor: New restructuring to 4 regions = 1. Boston, Philly, NY 2. Atlanta 3. Chicago, Kansas City, Denver & Seattle (Midwest) 4. Dallas & San Fran (Southwest). PCs will be under OCO & TSCs under OTS.

Anonymous said...

What’s happening? The sky is falling!! Thanks to all the selfish people who voted for this.

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm not the only one that doesn't understand why we'd keep employees at all of the prior RO locations. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of shaving ROs? Also, if the RO teams are split up across states this is counterproductive to in person team communication. I would sure hope the long term goal is to sell space in some of the old RO locations and try to get all under one regional roof. If not, this will result in no savings while costing proximity benefits.

Anonymous said...

Hostile takeover of the Trust Fund by Wall Street and the financial institutions. Hope you can trust them with your money, since Trump is doing reducing other agencies that watch over Wall Street and the banks.

Anonymous said...

It looks to me. Like a liquidation. Like. A Chapter 11? or 13? I have been looking at the force at which this has been moving. It makes zero rational sense to take a "chainsaw " to so much, so fast. There is zero planning. Just smashing.

Under Voluntary Liquidation laws, a person like, Musk, is appointed to oversee the process. Canceling leaases, reducing employees, is part of the process. So, I dont know, but thats what it looks like to me.

Both sides claim the other is the same thing. Screaming and yelling and behaving like small children.

Gender Ideology brought this. The left behaving like "Nazis" and calling the right Nazis. The right, writing arguments against said thing, however practicing obfuscation in such articles of the totality of both sides and inflating the headlines.

The left barking like dogs when asked simple questions by centrists. Instead of responding in an appropriate grown up manner, with a articulate reply. Ban. Doxx.Bar.Scream.Yell.Fire.Hate.Slander.Coerce. --It went on for a long long long time. Now. Now it's over. The gravy train of slander. Is over.

The party really should have realed in civil discourse years ago. It may have prevented the backlash of what is happening right now.

Gender Ideology, shoving fists down the throat of the general population, for more than a decade now, for the 3%--forcing, the other 97% to eat their shovel or else be charged with a hate crime, brought this.

Now. It's chaos unleashed. Africa news outlets refer to the "west gender ideology" as "Gender Colonialism", and have taken steps to outlaw and distance themselves from anything related to "the west".

When you ostersize 97% of the population. Over , and over and over again on and on and on. For. the 3%. This is the end result. I do think in all fairness, the democratic socialist party--knew what they were doing. From the beginning.

What is interesting is, before this last decade of--dillusion-- no one cared. You do your thing I will do my thing. Now. Absolutely . Everyone cares. We went from complete tolerance as a people to zero tolerance. I do not think this outcome was not the the calculated result. This was some kind of social experiement. See how far you can push society before retaliation happens.

Far right will not tolerate those who sit center.
Far left will not tolerate anything not left of Marx/Mao ect..

Its a loss. It always was. Now we all lose.